
Wednesday 13 January 2016

Polish Pick: Copper/Rose Gold Shimmer

So here we have another Polish Pick post on a Wednesday, the second week on a row since the start of the year! I promise this isn't intentional, I simply had another couple of lacquers that I've combined together that I've been loving and wanted to share with you lovely lot! Normal service should resume next week...

The whole reason I wanted to post about this look in particular is purely the fact that I feel it something I've wanted to create for a while now, with the whole copper/rose gold hype not appearing to die down anytime soon. I had the idea to try and filter that 'trend' down into a nail look, but was struggling to find a lacquer/s that filled the brief, until these two beauties were added to my collection. The overall finished result is rather sparkly considering we are now into January and the glitter-filled month of December is well and truly over, but I just can't tear myself away from the stuff that easily and while I attempted to restrain myself, I ended up going the whole hog and making my nails a tad more shimmery than I first set out to. I promise I will be going on a glitter detox for a while as of now though. Maybe.
As soon as I added these two polishes to my stash, I knew this was on the cards at last and once Christmas and New Years was over, a rose gold-inspired look was next on my to-paint list. They are the Maybelline Color Show Nail Polishes in 'Brick Shimmer' and 'Pink Party Dress'. I have bought lacquers from this range before and loved them so had a good idea that these would be the same - and they are. Both are such unusual shades in the nail polish arena in terms of what you can find in your local Boots and Superdrug - a rarity, but a definite good one at that. 'Brick Shimmer' is a gorgeous copper shade in a metallic finish. Most metallic shades that you find are more your traditional golds, silvers and bronzes, whilst this makes a nice change to all those and can be worn alone or acts as a nice base for getting creative - just like I did here. Initially I intended to leave things there, but eventually I went one step further and added a layer of 'Pink Party Dress' to the equation. This, to me, is like 'Brick Shimmer' in terms of the whole colour and tone, but in glitter top coat form. This matches up to the first polish I used almost identically in shade, but adds that texture and of course glamour to the finished result. However, I do find that while it is a glitter, the fact that the flecks themselves are more of a fine shimmer it does look a little more subtle (if glitter can be classed as subtle) than the heavier ones out there and is perhaps a good option for those of us (like me) who are attempting to wean themselves off the stuff after a rather glitter-laden December. Plus, they're Copper/Rose Gold nails. What more could you wish for, eh?

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