
Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Big Makeup Clear-Out

You may well recall the fact I've done a few posts centred around the whole topic of 'streamlining' and 'clearing out' in terms of your beauty stash before (notably here, here and here) as it's something I do feel rather passionate about. Sure, I love collating up a rather large makeup collection just as much as the next beauty lover, but there's so something so satisfying about actually going through everything in your collection from time to time - saying goodbye to some items, rediscovering others - and it's also pretty essential step to keep things under control. Well, kinda. I'd been noticing that my makeup drawers in particular were looking rather fit-to-burst recently and realised I hadn't had a good 'ole rummage for a while so that is exactly what I did only yesterday. Want to know what I found out/learnt? Carry on reading...

You see certain patterns emerging in your makeup-buying habits. Having a good clear-out of your Muji drawers definitely makes it rather crystal as to where your priorities and weak spots lie in terms of cosmetics. For me personally, I'm most certainly a sucker for a good eyeshadow palette or mascara - with my 'Eye' drawer/s being the most overflowing of them all by far. Oopsie.

You realise how sentimental you get over everything. There were  few rediscoveries I made during this process that got me all nostalgic and reminiscent of past times - whether it be an eyeshadow I chose for my Prom makeup a couple of years back or a lipstick I used when I was a bridesmaid for my Sister - isn't it strange how something as supposedly 'trivial' as makeup can make you feel that way?

You most definitely will now use it as an excuse to go out and buy more! I mean, what beauty-obsessed gal in her right mind wouldn't, eh?


  1. I'm actually on a mission to get rod of my acylic storage, I think I focus SO much on trying to make them look pretty that I hang onto items I just don't need.
    It's so good to have a clear out every now and then.
    Gillian  xx

    1. I agree, though it is nice to be able to see what you've got in your collection I suppose! X
