
Friday 5 February 2016

6 Things I've Learnt From Not Wearing Contacts For A Week

About three years ago, I made the switch from glasses to contact lenses - a pretty big jump considering I'd worn glasses for most of my life up until that point. Over time I've basically worked myself up from wearing them a few times a week to popping them in pretty much everyday (or at least every day I was leaving the house and putting makeup on) and really enjoying them. However, due to a few teething problems, recently I've had a couple of weeks where I couldn't put them in and so had to wear my glasses on the reg for the longest amount go time in a while. And I guess you could say I've learnt a fair few things from the whole process...

  1. Makeup application will be at first near-impossible, then it slowly gets easier (but it still doesn't compare to the ease of doing it with contacts in). Like seriously, at first you start to question just how you ever managed slapping stuff on your face before you tried contact lenses. And then you remember how that was back in the time when you didn't wear half the amount of makeup you wear now. Maybe that has something to do with it, eh?
  2. Glasses feel even more uncomfortable than you remember them being before you started using contacts. The weight of them sitting on the bridge of your nose that never really used to bother you much now feels like torture, making you want to tear the things off your face asap and walk around not being able to see a thing just so you can feel comfortable again.
  3. Everyone who either didn't know you pre-contacts or simply cannot remember starts talking to you like you've just started wearing glasses and like it's a new thing. It isn't. And yes I may well look nice in them, but that is no consolation to the inconvenience they cause. #SorryNotSorry.
  4. All the reasons why you wanted to try contacts in the first place come flooding back to you. Ahh, how I missed all those times when you wonder just why glasses don't come with some kind of windscreen wiper to enable you to actually see through the torrential rain. Not.
  5. ...But then you remember to thank the Lord that it's not the Summer, when you have to decide whether to sacrifice not being able to see (from not wearing your glasses so you can wear your sunglasses and not be blinded by the sun), or not being able to see (from wearing your glasses and then being blinded by the sun from not wearing your sunglasses). And then having people question why you don't have any prescription sunglasses. I tried them once. They were not good, at all.
  6. The one good thing? Your eyeballs feel all kinds of amazing - and you didn't even think they felt that bad with contacts in. Shame we can't have the best of both worlds, eh?

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