
Saturday 30 April 2016


Surprise! I've decided to jump back on the 'ole daily blogging bandwagon once again for the first time since #DitsyDecember back at the end of last year! If you're a long-time reader round tehse parts, you may remember that last year I also did various other bouts of monthly daily blogging and that was really something I wanted to continue throughout 2016 too, so with that in mind #EveryDayMay was born. I actually wanted to daily blog during May last year under the same hashtag but had a sudden change of heart last minute and settled on #AllMonthApril instead, so I'm excited the time has come for me to finally do it!
Of course as the whole 'daily' in 'daily blogging' would suggest - during the month of May you can expect a new post from Dainty Ditsy every single day at 9am - but I'm also trying my best to make this month a really good four weeks of great content for you lovely lot which you'll enjoy reading just as much as I do writing. Let's just say there may be a few surprises in store (did someone say 'Giveaway'?)...

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