
Sunday 1 May 2016

Polish Pick: Barry M Coconut Infusion Nail Paint in 'Laguna' #EveryDayMay

Welcome to #EveryDayMay! If you haven't read my last post (here) or don't follow me on any of the other places you can find me at you may not know that I am daily blogging throughout the month of May! So, I figured what better way to kick things off this month than with a good 'ole 'Polish Pick' of a lacquer that's been sitting pretty on my nail beds for the past week or so - and I have been loving. Wanna see? Carry on reading...

I picked this up as part of my last 'New In At The Drugstore' post (which you can find here) and it's part of a range that's - you guessed it - brand new to Barry M's line-up. These 'Coconut Infusion' Nail Paints claim to hydrate the nail, whilst giving an opaque wash of colour at the same time. Basically, they leave your nails looking pretty on the inside and outside - and who doesn't want that? Whether they do actually do much in terms of nourishing the nail I can't say - especially as I've only tried the formula out once - but in terms of everything else, it definitely gets the thumbs up from me. The colour I opted to test out first, before potentially committing to adding more shades to my collection, was this bright sky blue - 'Laguna'. It's not often I go for blues on my nails, but this one screamed out to me as the perfect shade for as we head into Summer. It's pastel but not too pale (as you probably know by now, this is a big preference of mine) and it's got a brightness to it, but it's not neon or garish. It sits just right between those spectrums and looks very gorgeous on the nails indeed.

Regarding the formulation, I was very impressed. In two coats the colour was completely opaque and had a super-shiny finish almost akin to gel that reminded me a lot of the Gelly Hi-Shine polishes (which I also love). It lasted a fair while before any wear or tear began to show and while it may be too early to comment right not on nail condition - I will certainly keep you lovely lot updated. Coconut in your nail polish, eh? Whatever next...


  1. I love that colour and Barry M is defiantly one of my favourite nail polish brands!x

    Sinead | Subject Beauty

    1. It's so gorgeous isn't it! Definitely recommend giving it a go! X
