
Wednesday 6 April 2016

The Many Uses Of A Makeup Sponge That I've Discovered So Far...

As you would know if you've been round these parts lately, I have recently headed over to the dark side and finally experimented with adding a sponge into my makeup routine. I know it's taken me a long while but in this short space of time I've actually become rather attached to it and have begun wondering just how I applied my makeup before. Wanna know some of the ways I employ this bad boy? Carrying on reading...

BASE APPLICATOR - This is kinda the obvious one, as it's perhaps the most widely-publicised way of using a Beauty Blender (or a similar alternative) and the main reason I added one into my basket at long last in the first place. Simply dampen your sponge by placing it under running water and squeezing out the excess or give it a few spritzes with a fixing spray of your choice. I personally like to 'bop' my base on, lightly tapping it all over the face to give a finish that retains the same coverage you would achieve with a brush, but with a much more natural, thoroughly-blended look.
CONCEALER BLENDER - Similar to the above, but I've also found my sponge to be fab at blending in concealer too. Using the same method I mentioned for applying foundation, I simply bop (good word, right?) my sponge over where I've applied it to blend it in and help mesh it with whatever I've thrown on as my base layer. The pointed tip of my Real Techniques sponge I find to be ideal for this, as it allows me to be quite precise and fits under my eyes perfectly, but still diffuses any harsh edges. Again, this gives a lovely natural finish but without losing any of the pigmentation required to conceal those pesky blemishes and bags or hide any redness so all in all - it's a winner in my books.
POWDER PACKER-ON - Now, don't get the wrong idea about this one as I don't literally mean piling on tons of powder (unless of course that's what you're into) - I'm talking more about applying just a little more than I perhaps usually would, in certain places. Sometimes you just want a tad more punch from your powder - whether you really want amp up the lasting power in that department in any areas where makeup gets eaten up first or simply want a completely shine-free finish (such as under your eyes) and this little beauty is ideal for just that. Used dry, dipping this into your powder of choice and then using the same 'bopping' method to press it into the skin as opposed to swirling it on with a brush gives a lot more intensity and coverage, but still manages to avoid looking cakey. How does it do it?!
CONTOUR FINISHER - One main theme in terms of uses of my makeup sponge I've discovered so far is the whole 'finishing' thang. I won't talk too much now about it generally as that's kinda what I'll come to next, but in regards to application of single makeup products - contour has to be the department that I find this sponge the handiest companion for finishing things off. Struggling with application of cream contours? Gone a little overboard and need to par things back a tad? Happy with how things look but want to take it to the next level of "I woke up like 'dis"? This little friend will assist you. You're welcome.
THE FINAL STEP - As I said a little while ago - alongside base application, finishing things off and acting as the kind of 'final step' in your makeup routine is where I feel the other main plus point of makeup sponges lies. I've mentioned how they're fab at finalising the application of a single product as you go along, but employing them at the very end is also where they come in pretty handy too. Aswell as giving my whole face a general spritz with some fixing spray, I also like to use it to dampen my sponge a little and go over any areas where I really want its setting properties to take effect. I really notice the difference when I do this, and I've no shame in admitting it's become a bit of a daily fixture in my routine. No wonder it takes me so long to get out the door in the mornings, eh...


  1. I love that such a basic item is so versatile!


  2. Nice beauty post! Do you want to be friends with me on bloglovin? If yes, just follow me and I'll follow your blog back ASAP!<3
