
Wednesday 11 May 2016

Beauty Organisation Tips 'n' Tricks #EveryDayMay

I've been thinking a lot lately about perhaps changing my makeup storage situ' up a little. Don't get me wrong - I'm still very much happy with the way it's looking right now - but I still feel like it's in need of a refresh in some ways and so of course to go alongside that I figured it may be helpful to some of you lovely lot for me to offload some of my own tips 'n' tricks as to how I like to set about the whole beauty organisation thang...

MAKE AN INVESTMENT - I really think when it comes to storing your beauty stash, you're gonna have to make a bit of an investment. Especially if you have a collection veering on the larger side of things (like me), you're gonna need a decent amount of space to put it all and hence - it probably won't come cheap. Personally though, I've found that this does pay off as the same MUJI drawers I purchased around two years ago are still the same ones I use today and still work and appear as good as new (besides the odd makeup mark). It's better to invest in a storage system that's gonna stand the test of time as opposed to buying a cheaper set-up which may not look or last as well as you'd want it to.
FIND SOMETHING FOR YOU - It's also essential in my opinion that you find something that works for you. Whatever it may be - ensure it's right for the space you have, the amount of makeup you own and also you as a person too. Some people with smaller collections may simply keep it all in a makeup bag or in one set of clear acrylic drawers; whereas those with a slightly bigger collection may find a larger storage tower which holds all/the majority of their cosmetics and possibly a smaller storage chest or makeup bag to keep more 'everyday' makeup works best. It's all up to you. Decide where you want your makeup storage to be and then work from there - looking for the perfect system which fits the space and also your personal brief. You may find you have to compromise a little, but keep looking and before long you'll find something which is perfect for you.
CLEAR IT OUT - Now this is more along the 'organising' side of things. Once you've invested in your storage set-up of choice, then comes the fun (or perhaps not-so-fun - depends how you look at it) task of sorting through your makeup and getting a proper system down. The first step for most will probably be clearing it out and giving everything a sort-through and I've actually done two posts before centred around the clearing out of your collection before (here and here). Because of that, I won't go into too much detail now and if you do fancy knowing a little more about what process I go through then check those out. Basically, it's super important that once you know what storage you're working with, you have a sort-through to make sure only things you love and use are residing in your collection...
KEEP IT TIDY - ...And then it's also equally essential to make sure you keep it clean 'n' tidy. Separate your makeup into different sections in your storage system - and keep it that way. It's so much more useful to have everything categorised into departments (e.g. base, cheeks, eyes, lips) so you know where things are and can generally keep an eye on your collection much easier too (more on that next). On the cleansing side of things, you also wanna make sure you regularly empty everything out, possibly have a clear-out if needed and also give your storage system a thorough wipe-down too.
REASSESS, REASSESS, REASSESS - As I briefly touched on above, I cannot stress how important it is to constantly reassess, revaluate and generally continue to look at what you have beauty-wise. As time goes on, your collection will likely grow and because of that, you need to make sure you keep on top of what's in your stash. You don't want to be hanging onto things which you don't like or never really crack out that often (if at all) and also - particularly for some products - it's important you keep a watch on those expiry dates too.

And so that just about concludes five of my top tips for getting all organised and sorted out when it comes to everything beauty-related! All quite simple and straight-forward, but pretty essential if you fancy giving your storage set-up a bit of a tidy. Do any of you guys have anything else you'd like to share on this topic? If so, leave it down below - I'd love to have a read of any comments /suggestions you might have!

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