
Friday 20 May 2016

Disappointing Product - PRO:VOKE Liquid Blonde Colour Activating Treatment Shampoo #EveryDayMay

As I always like to preface these kinds of posts - it's not often a 'Disappointing Product' makes its way onto Dainty Ditsy. Wheter it be the fact I generally pick rather well in regards to my beauty buys; sheer luck or that I'm just easy to please (maybe not that one so much) - overall, there's not many times that I can think of where a product has majorly disappointed me. Now, out of all the posts I've done in this category, this one's probably the least 'disappointing' of them all as it's not so much that I dislike this product immensely, but more that it's just left me feeling a little 'meh'. Let me explain...

I use the Brightening Shampoo from PRO:VOKE's 'Touch of Silver' range  religiously as it's definitely my favourite purple shampoo I've tried. In just one wash it instantly tones the blonde in my hair and knocks out all those brassy, orange-y tones in a flash - whilst also being super cheap. What's not to love? As you'd have seen in this Boots Haul from earlier in the month, when going to repurchase it I noticed a new range from PRO:VOKE called 'Liquid Blonde'. Just like the 'Touch of Silver' collection, it's targeted at those of us with blonde hair - but this time contains warmer, yellow pigments to simply enhance the look of the hair as oppose to toning it with a purple hue. I figured it might be a good one to try out - not to replace my Brightening Shampoo, but to perhaps use alongside it. Sometimes, while I love it, the purple shampoo can leave my hair looking a little too cool-toned and have more of a silvery vibe (hence the name) as opposed to a nice, ashy blonde. I hoped using this product from the 'Liquid Blonde' range may help to balance that out a tad and ensure my hair still has a definite 'blonde' appearance. Turns out, it didn't.
It definitely didn't 'ruin' my hair, as it easily washes out when you next wash your hair - but I really didn't like the effect it gave. Sure, it made the blonde in my hair have more depth and a much warmer tone to it - but I found it just made it too warm and almost acted as a reverse to what the purple shampoo does to my locks. Basically, my hair looked how it does before I tone my hair with the purple shampoo - and that's not really what I was after. I wanted a nice middle-ground, but this went too far the other way and added too much brassiness back into my tresses. Because of this, the blonde actually looked rather dull and 'old' rather than the vibrant appearance I have after using the purple toner. All in all, this just wasn't for me and I think I'll be sticking to the 'Touch of Silver' range (particularly the Brightening Shampoo) for now...

P.S. Have you entered my giveaway to win a MAC Lipstick of your choice yet? If not, click right here to go to the blog post all about it...

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