
Monday 20 June 2016

Two New False Lash Loves...

If you remember this post I did sometime last month, during one of my usual big 'ole Boots Hauls I picked up a couple of pairs of false lashes. Over the past year or so, I feel like I've finally got the hang of the whole faux lash thang and while I may not be the best in terms of application - I'm definitely much better than I used to be when I first started out. I only tend to wear lashes in the evening for nights out and special occasions and so typically I go for the more fuller, dramatic pairs of what's on offer and these two sets I picked up in that aforementioned haul certainly fall into that category.

First off, yet another pair from the Fleur De Force range for Eylure. As you lovely lot probably know by now, I am a big fan of this collection by Fleur and am already a lover of the other sets in her range so when it came to perusing the eyelashes section I just had to pick this design up. These are the 'Fleur and Fabulous' lashes and they are certainly the most 'out there' set of them all in the range. As always with all of the lashes from Fleur's collection I've sampled before, they are of amazing quality and apply and wear super well. While they are still very dramatic and full-on, they still look 'natural' if that makes any sense at all. They are by no means a 'natural' lash, but considering how full-on they are, they don't venture into the realms of ridiculousness. Once again, big well done to the lovely Fleur!

Another set - also as part of a collaboration with Eylure - that I've been really enjoying as of late are the Cheryl Lashes in 'Girls Night Out'. Now, as you may be able to tell, these are not in the photo above as I have already used  them a fair few times (as I have the above set) but unlike the Fleur ones, I stupidly forgot to photograph them beforehand! Doh! So, instead, I'll point you in the direction of the post I linked at the start of this one where they are included if you fancy giving them a looksee. Anyway, they are again very full and 'out there', just like the Fleur design, but this time take that aspect to perhaps a greater degree - with the lashes themselves being far less densely-packed and so focusing more on providing length. These lashes are also more winged-out at the outer corners and so give that gorgeous feline effect to the peepers which really works well when paired with my typical 'going out' eye look. *Flutters eyeslashes*

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