
Sunday 18 December 2016

6 Reasons Why 'Elf' Is The Best Christmas Film... #DitsyDecember

I'm sure if you've read round these parts for some time now, you'll most likely know that 'Elf' is by far my favourite Christmas film. It's a classic which seems to be well-loved by basically everyone - myself included - and I feel like it's gotten to the point where I've watched it so, so many times over the years that I could probably recite the entire script as I watch it. Yanno what I mean? So, what better time than to list of just some of the reasons why it's so awesome...

  1. IT'S EXTREMELY FESTIVE - Of course, this is probably the main reason why it's such a favourite - it is super-Christmassy and instantly gets you into the festive mood. The whole story itself is based on the story of an 'elf', the setting of New York is all decked out in hundreds of lights and decorations and there's even a few cameos from Santa himself. What more could you want?
  2. ...AND ALSO A HELL OF A LOT OF FUN - Cause that's just what you want at Christmas, right? While there's a few twists and turns along the way - as is usual with basically all festive films - the main story (and ending) is super fun and is packed full of comedy - my personal favourite type of film, tbh.
  3. THE STORY IS A WINNER - I know I've kinda already touched on this, but I really feel like the whole story in general is a complete and utter winner. It's got a good mix of kinda-realism, but also this-totally-would-not-happen-in-real-life fantasy and has all the ups and downs that you'd expect in any film.
  4. EVERYONE CAN ENJOY IT - Sometimes, films are targeted at one audience only, but 'Elf' is one of those that is ideal for basically the whole family. No matter your age, everyone can enjoy it - making it a great option for entertainment on The Big Day itself.
  5. THE ROMANCE - Other than all the fun and frolics, the 'love' story between Buddy and Jovie is a big story throughout the film and you find yourself really rooting for them. The (slightly creepy) shower/locker room scene where they both sing 'Baby It's Cold Outside' together is probably one of the standouts from the whole film and seriously showcases what an amazing voice Zooey Deschanel has. Why can't I sing like that, eh?
  6. IT'S FULL OF AMAZING QUOTES - Finally - and probably the most important reason of them all - it's is majorly quotable. Like, majorly. Once you achieve 'Watched It So Many Times You Know The Script' status (like I mentioned I reached ages ago at the start of this post) you can basically reel off all the best bits here, there and everywhere and hopefully, there may just be somewhere in the vicinity that's as much of a fangirl as you...


  1. Elf definitely a top Christmas film pick! You hit the nail on the head. :]

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