
Wednesday 19 April 2017

A Foundation Cocktail That I'm Really Rather Into

If you've been reading round these parts for a pretty long time you'll more than likely be aware of the special place I hold in my makeup-loving heart for Bourjois' Healthy Mix Foundation. Until recently, it was by far my favourite, go-to base that I loved and knew I could always rely on to work like a dream. Medium coverage that can be sheered out or built up, with a finish that's neither too matte, nor too dewy and lasts all darn day long with no issues at all. Plus it smells all fruity - what more could you want, eh? However, while I still completely adore it (and probably always will) this year I kind of made it my personal mission to find a foundation which could replace it. I was getting just a little bored of using it on the reg - yanno? And I'm sure you lovely lot are just as tired of hearing me ramble on about it at every given opportunity so I decided to give some others a try. And by some sheer strike of luck, the very first one I sampled turned out to be pretty good - phew. This base in question was L'Oreal's Infallible Foundation and I pretty much instantly fell in love with it after trying it out. It's definitely different from Bourjois' offering, but in a good way - I love it for different reasons. The wear and longevity are both pretty identical but the formula, while feels and applies similarly to Healthy Mix, dries down more and properly 'sets' to a finish that's still got a touch of glow to it, but every so slightly more matte-ish - meaning it's got that little more of an ability to be built up to a 'full' coverage. I also find I only need one pump as opposed to the two that I apply of my Healthy Mix. All in all, I love them both and I guess that is what lead me one day to mix them together. Oooh... 

When I love two makeup products separately, I can't help but think that there's a strong likelihood that they'll be just as awesome used as a team - if not even more so. I've done it a few times before and been pretty impressed by what I've come up with and so I thought it wouldn't hurt to see what happened with this combination. So, instead of my usual two pumps of the Bourjois or one pump of the L'Oreal - I took one of each, mixed them together using my dampened Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge and then used the exact same sponge to apply it to my face as usual. And you know what? I loved the effect it gave. The dewy-ness of the Healthy Mix and the slightly fuller, matte-r finish of the Infallible just work together to make the most ideal combination for foundation (now ain't that just a tongue twister for ya). The slightly warmer undertone of Bourjois' offering makes for a really nice addition to the slightly paler shade that I have in the L'Oreal base and I'm really rather feeling the finished result. Don't get me wrong, I still absolutely love both of these bases separately, but I love them just as much together and I think this may just become a new favourite base (or bases) of mine...

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