
Monday 27 November 2017

Current Skincare Routine

It's been a long, long while since I talked about how my Skincare Routine is currently shaping up (I think the last time I did so was actually in this post here) and it's safe to say a fair few things have changed since then so - why not give you lovely lot a little updated version, eh? That was a pretty short-but-sweet intro I know, but let's just jump right on in, yeah?

DAY: Day-time wise, the first thing I typically tend to do is sweep some of my Garnier Micellar Water across my lil' bare face on a large cotton pad to refresh and ensure things are super squeaky-clean before I go in with the rest of my Skincare and then, most likely, Makeup. After that, I don't tend to properly 'cleanse' anymore in the daytime, but I do usually go in with one of the Superdrug Naturally Radiant Glycolic Cleansing Pads. I quickly swipe one of these over my face as a little acid exfoliation to smooth out my skin and just brighten things up and it does the job nicely. Then, after that, I'll move straight onto the all-important moisturising. Before I apply any sort of day cream, I'll usually apply a light layer of my Una Brennan Superfacialist Vitamin C+ Glow Boost Serum. This is the perfect thing to apply before my moisturiser - both day and night - as it adds an extra dose of hydration and also supposedly helps whatever moisturiser I apply on top to work even better - which is what we all want, right? Then, usually, I'll apply a stand-alone facial SPF. I must admit that this isn't something I do every single day *slaps wrist* but I know I should really do it more (although I have to admit that sometimes, it just doesn't warrant it) and when I do - I'll use my trusty Soap and Glory 'Make Yourself Youthful' Sunshield Superfluid SPF50+. This provides amazing sun protection, feels really lightweight on the skin, sits well underneath makeup and - best of all - doesn't leave a white cast, like some facial SPF's do. Then, for day cream, I will always go in with the Simple Age Resisting Regeneration Day Cream SPF15. It's thick enough to feel like it's doing a decent job of hydrating my skin, yet it feels rather lightweight, sinks in easily and works well underneath makeup. It also provides a light layer of sun protection when I don't use/need to use my proper SPF. It's an all-round winner basically. What's more, I find around half a pump to me more than enough to cover my whole face - and taken down the all-important neck area too - and so, a bottle always tends to last me a while too. Sometimes, I'll then follow things up with an eye cream. I say 'sometimes' as usually, it depends on whether I wear makeup or not that day, as I do usually find that if I apply eye cream, then go in with makeup - let's just say it doesn't tend to turn out that well. If I do use one though, recently I've started using the Superdrug Naturally Radiant Brightening Eye Cream. It's, again, a rather thick formula, and yet I don't mind that as a). I know it's likely to be doing a good job and b). once you start gently massaging into your eye area with your ring finger - it sinks in nicely. It also smells rather nice too - always a bonus, right?

NIGHT: Then, that's kind of 'it' for Day Skincare - as I said, I'll either then go straight ahead with my Makeup, or if I'm having a no-makeup day - I'll leave things there. Night-time, for me, is where I tend to get a little more detailed with my Skincare. First off, I will always go in first - just like in the daytime - with my beloved Garnier Micellar Water. If I've had makeup on that day, I'll use this as my first cleanse to remove the majority of my makeup and if I haven't - I simply use it to give my face a nice little refresh. Then, no matter what, I'll follow that up with some of my Una Brennan Superfacialist Vitamin C+ Skin Renew Cleansing Oil. Over time, this has become my go-to, 'Second Cleanse' cleanser that I use for getting any remaining makeup off and also ensuring I properly clean my skin underneath. Then, once my face is fully and completely clean - I'll then go in with all of the moisturising and hydration. As someone with a drier, sometimes-dehydrated skin-type, that's always one of my main focus points with my Skincare and so, first off I'll go in with the same Una Brennan Superfacialist Vitamin C+ Glow Boost Serum that I used in the morning as a little pre-night-cream boost. It again, works an utter treat and after that, I'll then apply some night cream - at the moment, I have been thoroughly enjoying the Garnier SkinActive Moisture Bomb Night Cream. This has an almost gel-like texture and so feels really quenching on the skin, and yet doesn't feel heavy or claggy - it actually feels pretty comfortable to wear overnight. Then, you know how I said how I don't always apply eye cream in the morning? Well, in the evening, it is something I always, always do - no matter what. I use the same Superdrug Naturally Radiant Brightening Eye Cream that I sometimes do in the morning and so far, it's working well. 

Then, that's basically my entire 'regular' Skincare Routine done and dusted and I guess we move onto the more 'occasional' items that I use every so often. If I get the occasional spot, I'll go in with my recent find - the Nip + Fab Teen Skin Spit Fix Zap - which is a great little product for popping on a blemish and helping dissolve any gunk (yum) and just generally take down any redness and inflammation. Then, sometimes, if my skin is feeling a little rough and in need of a proper scrub - that's not of the acid kind - I'll go in with a little of my Una Brennan Superfacialist Rose Brighten and Refine Facial Scrub. This has the perfect balance of being 'scrubby' enough in that it gets the job done, but it's not at all harsh or aggravating on my sensitive skin and I always reach for it if my skin feels in need of a refresh. Then, if you've read round here for a while, you'll know that I love, love, LOVE my face masks. I try and do one at least once every week as a little treat for my skin and also just as a nice pamper treat for myself too and I have so many favourites that it's kinda impossible to name all of them. Right now, though, I have been obsessing over the L'Oreal Pure Clay 'Bright' Face Mask. A creamy clay mask with tiny exfoliating beads embedded within it, this really does do what it says on the tin - giving my complexion a nice, bright glow even after one application. And if you haven't guessed by now - glowy skin is basically my one, main goal when it comes to my Skincare...

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