
Friday 17 November 2017

Switching Up Your Makeup Without Spending Anything...

Sometimes, while it's fun to shop for new makeup and change up your makeup routine, it's not always possible to. You might want to save money, save space in your drawers or you might simply not fancy splurging on makeup that month, but that doesn't necessarily mean you don't want to switch up your makeup routine. Well, you may not think it, but there are ways in which you can change things up makeup-wise without parting with your cash. Wanna know how? Let me explain...

'SHOPPING YOUR STASH' - The main way I'd recommend of switching things up, without spending any money at all is to 'Shop Your Stash'. It's a concept that you might have already seen in the Blogging/YouTube community - it became a hugely popular series online a few years ago - and while that hype may have died down lately, that doesn't make it any less of an amazing idea. It basically does exactly what it says on the tin - instead of going and shopping in-store, or online, you shop your stash and have a delve into what you already own, pulling on unused or lesser-used makeup that you've perhaps forgotten about or haven't played around with in a while. It's a great way of discovering new products, or rediscovering old favourites and it doesn't negatively impact on your bank balance - bonus! I've actually done a couple of them myself in the past on Dainty Ditsy here, if you fancy a look.

CHANGING UP THE COLOURS YOUR USE - In terms of the actual products you use, trying simply changing out the colours you use. Whether it be by looking at different colours of lipsticks you own, or different colours in your eyeshadow palettes - this can be a great way of not only trying out new colours and looks, but also getting more use out of the perhaps lesser-used hues in your stash.

MIXING PRODUCTS TOGETHER - If you really want to get all fancy-shmancy - try mixing your products together. Now, this could be meant in the literal way - like foundations, where you take a pump of two different bases, mix them on the back of your hand and apply - or even with powder products, simply by layering different combinations on your face for different effects. Using products in conjunction with each other is a great way of changing things up without necessarily needing to buying anything new and also kinda makes you feel like you should be popping on your white coat and heading into the makeup labs...

USE PRODUCTS IN DIFFERENT WAYS - Another way of varying your look using only products you already own is just by trying to use them in different ways. Try lining your eyes with eyeshadow as opposed to eyeliner, pop on some of your favourite lippie on the apples of your cheeks as a cream blush, or even take some of your favourite highlighter over the lids as a metallic-effect shadow. There are no definitive rules in how and where you must apply certain products and you'll be amazed at how multi-purpose different products can be when you think about it.

OPEN UP YOUR MIND - Finally, I guess all in all, I'd simply say that if you want to change up your makeup look or routine without going out and dropping some dollar - it's all about opening up your mind to the world of makeup. As you can probably already tell from all of the above points, if you're working from what you own already alone, you need to think outside of the box a little - really look at what you've got now and the different ways they could possibly be utilised - and if you can do that, your makeup drawer is your oyster...

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