
Friday 1 December 2017

25 Things I Love About Christmas... #DitsyDecember

Hello and welcome to the very first day of #DitsyDecember! How exciting, eh! If you've read the last three years of this series (Three years! Crazy, right?), you'll remember how usually, I kick things off with some form of 'The Christmas TAG'. However, as you may imagine, having done three versions of the same tag now, I have pretty much run out of questions and so, this year I'm switching things up and instead sharing with you lovely lot '25 Things That I Love About Christmas'. A classic, but a good'un neverthless and a great one to get us all in the fabulous festive spirit, if you ask me...
  1. Family and friends. I mean, the best thing about it is seeing and spending some quality time with your loved ones, right?
  2. How the whole of December is building towards Christmas Day - with the excitement just getting more and more as each day passes.
  3. All of the ah-maz-ing food you can eat at this time of year. Mmhmmmmm...
  4. The excuse to watch Elf basically on repeat for the whole of December.
  5. Buying loads of gifts for your nearest and dearest and feeling so super excited to give them to everyone, straight away.
  6. LUSH's Christmas range - I mean, if you can't buy all of the goodies from LUSH at Christmas time, then when can you?
  7. The whole atmosphere of the festive season - it's so crazy, and yet so cozy and just really exciting at the same time!
  8. Throughout the whole of December, you're allowed to eat a small piece of chocolate first thing in the morning. What more could you want, eh?
  9. Dedicating a morning to decorating the house and, most importantly - the tree! A sure-fire instant way of getting yourself in the festive mood.
  10. Baking! I've been getting really rather into getting my bake on during Christmas last year (as you'll have seen here) and I'm quite tempted to try my hand at doing some this year too! Keep your eyes peeled, that's all I'm saying...
  11. Good ol' Christmas music. I mean, yes, we've all heard it many times before and yes, it can get rather repetitive towards the end but, I do kinda still love it...
  12. Admiring all the super-pretty Christmas lights that are anywhere and everywhere you look.
  13. The awesome festive menus (Costa and Starbucks - I'm looking at you...)
  14. The excuse to get your glam on at every given opportunity with red lips, glittery eyes, lashes, sparkly nails and a good ol' LBD...
  15. Having the chance to just relax and chill out. Ahhhh...
  16. We all just seem a whole lot nicer and happier, don't we?
  17. Having a cosy afternoon of just bossing through your Christmas wrapping, watching festive films or listening to Christmas music and feeling just super good about life.
  18. Mince pies. I repeat, mince pies.
  19. Christmas shopping - it's definitely uber-stressful and rather intense, but I kinda love it at the same time. Just me?
  20. Christmas Dinner. Need I say anymore?
  21. All of the festive adverts on TV. Every single year, they just seem to be getting bigger and better and it's really intriguing to see what all of the big'uns will come up with each time Christmas rolls around.
  22. All of the seasonal scents - it's all warm, spicy and just really yummy - and you really cannot escape it during December.
  23. Getting all comfy and cosy in the dark evenings with a hot chocolate. Yum!
  24. Eating your way through Christmas Day, feeling super-stuffed at the end and for once, not giving a hell about it. The ultimate 'day off' from the diet.
  25. The promise of a New Year - a fresh start, clean slate and just new beginnings. Exciting times... 

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