
Saturday 30 December 2017

Dainty Ditsy In 2017 - The Best Bits... #DitsyDecember

This time last year, I did this post titled 'Dainty Ditsy in 2016 - The Best Bits' where, as you might have guessed, I ran through all of my personal highlights from my lovely blog over the past year of 2016. Not only did I round-up my favourite posts, I also just generally looked back on all of the great things that happened and I really, really enjoyed doing it. You can find it here if you fancy a look, but seeing as I loved compiling it so much (and hopefully you all liked it too) - I figured I'd do it again for 2017. I cannot believe we are already at the end - it really does seem to have flown by - but one thing's for sure, it's definitely been a good'un. Let's take a trip down memory lane...

In January I kick-started things off by taking a look back over 2016, before moving onto my usual Yearly Favourites here and here. I gave some *hopefully* useful tips of how to grow out your natural nails, before showing off a bargainous brush set that I picked up. I hauled a couple of great liquid lippies from Sleek, talked you lovely lot through some awesome makeup products for when you need a bit of a pick-me-up and tried out a new awesome brush cleansing tool before rounding the month off by trying out the whole concept of makeup 'baking' and - *spoiler alert* - actually getting along with it rather well...

February was the month of trying and testing out liquid lip kits - both from Makeup Revolution and also Barry M. I also gave a few highlighter tips 'n' tricks - showing you lovely lot a few of my favourite cream glow-givers and also some of my favourite brushes to do the deed with too. I did a couple of good ol', classic drugstore beauty hauls here and here (cause who doesn't love one of those?) - and tried a lot of the items out here too - before showing you all my latest ear piercing addition. But, perhaps most excitedly, Dainty Ditsy celebrated its 500th post! Wooo! All in all, it was a pretty good month...

The month of March came and aside from the odd deviation here and there, it was admittedly quite a makeup-heavy month. I rounded up my 'Five Brushes Five Ways' mini series - this time, with Contouring - ran through the many uses of a good ol' cream eyeshadow and also showed you all a heck of a lot of lip colours - both my everyday options and my more Spring-appropriate offerings too. I also tried out my first-ever 'halo eye' (which, even if I do say so myself, wasn't too shabby at all) and even threw in a full face of drugstore first impressions for good measure. It was a rather busy one, right?

April - my namesake month - was a good'un. I discovered the wonder that is the 'Shadow Switch' (basically an awesome device where you swirl your brush in and it takes off all of the excess eyeshadow pigment) and also rediscovered the equally-wondrous Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara. I showed you all my latest beauty buys, ran through my favourites, favourites from NYX and also gave you all an updated brow routine too. Oh, and I also did another beauty haul - cause it would seem I can't go a month without doing one. Oops. And finally, I at last managed to pick myself up a pair of GHD's - and I have basically been in love with them ever since...

And then we come to May - my birthday month! And so of course I just had to run you lovely lot through just what I chose to wear, makeup-wise and I also showed you all my nail look too! Continuing along the same theme, I put together a list of 20 Things I've Learnt So Far - with me turning 20 this year - before finally moving on (yes, finally) and getting back into the beauty thangI did a fair few favourites-style posts this month - from my revisited fave nude lip liners, to my top pick face masks and metallic-effect nail polishesI also gave my own little 'guide' to having and looking after blonde hair (having also having had my colour refreshed this month), gave a little best-to-worst rundown of loose powders I've tried so far and also did my traditional show-and-tell of the latest range release from Tanya Burr Cosmetics. All in all, a pretty awesome one.

The month of June was certainly a month of discovering new beauty favourites. With Summer finally in full swing, I found a facial sunscreen that really floated my boat, bought a pretty awesome hairbrush (yes, really) and also found a new awesome self-tanner too. I even discovered a brand new way of cleaning my beauty sponge - check it out here if you fancy - and also a whole host of drugstore makeup picks aswell. Aside from products though, I also did this post here talking through some of the actual 'things' I discovered about makeup lately and also did I did a fair few 'Polish Picks' here and there to boot.

July was a yet another pretty makeup-heavy one. I shone the spotlight on the awesome liquid eyeshadows from L'Oreal, gave an insight into my favourite shadow combination for the perfect warm, coppery eye before running through some of my recent makeup-related empties too. I also - again - tried out a fair lot of new products. From another new launch from Tanya Burr Cosmetics, to some new liquid lippies from both Barry M and Rimmel and some new drugstore products, mainly from Essence, too - all of which I really rather enjoyed aswell! With it being the middle of the year, I also ran though my top picks (17, to be exact) from the year so far - and oh boy, were there some good'un's in there...

August was yet another special one as it was the month of my dear blog's third birthday! Can you believe Dainty Ditsy is now three years old? Madness! Aside from celebrating that though, I also did a tonne of the usual beauty stuff too - such as trying out a false lash applicator for the first time, talking you all through what (would) be in my travel makeup bag and also showing off the brand new 'Jelly and Gelato' Range from Zoella Beauty. It was also a pretty hefty month nails-wise aswell - from numerous 'Polish Picks such as the one here and also a run-down of my top polishes for Summer. Finally, I even managed to squeeze in a spot of baking - again, from my faithful Tanya Bakes book - but this time, a healthy edition. Cause we all wanna keep up that Summer body, yanno...

September was a pretty good month, in my opinion. I had an awesome week at the very start of the month (of which I documented all of the goings-on here) and found some awesome beauty products throughout - from an amazing spot treatment to a super-sparkly nail polish topper and also a pretty bangin' new drugstore mascara too. I gave some little handy hints when it comes to utilising your favourite glow-givers in various ways, ran through my top eyeshadow one-wash-wonders and also gave the same 'Seasonal Favourites'-esque round-up treatment to my top Autumn nail polishes. Perhaps one of my top, top moments though has to go to this post which I dedicated entirely to the new Soph x Makeup Revolution Eyeshadow and Highlighter Palettes. Not only am I super proud of the post itself, I have basically not put either of them down since - I. am. obsessed.

The month of October was mainly spent talking about all of the old favourites, rather than discovering tonnes of new stuff. I rounded up all of the reasons I love the Barry M Liquid Lip Paint so much, the many uses of a good concealer and also my favourite eyeshadow palettes and varying lippies (both berry tones and classic nudes) for the start of Autumn. However, I did discover a few gems here and there - from a bargainous dupe for my favourite glycolic cleansing pads to an awesome mascara from (once again) Tanya Burr Cosmetics...

Then, we come to November and as it was the penultimate month before the big ol' extravaganza that is #DitsyDecember, it was perhaps more of a quite month than the others - but that's not to say there wasn't some good'un's in there though. Even if I do say so myself. I did a good ol' couple of beauty hauls here and there, rediscovered a couple of glow-givers (both a primer and a liquid highlighter), rounded up my Empties for what would be the last time of 2017 and also gave you all an updated Skincare Routine.

And so, last but certainly by no means least - we come to December. The last month of the year, the month of - as I said - #DitsyDecember (a.k.a. daily blogging round these parts). It's been so good and it's not even fully, fully finished yet! I've been so happy with everything I've been putting out this month and I feel it's been going down really well too and I just really hope you're all enjoying it as much as I've enjoyed putting the posts together! *Hopefully* you're all up-to-date but if you're not, you can find all of the posts I've done during December just here if you fancy a look!

So, all in all, 2017 ain't half been bad for Dainty Ditsy. As always, I have loved, loved, loved blogging this year and I feel putting this post together has really made me realise that even more so. Here's to 2018!

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