
Monday 18 December 2017

Getting Into The Christmas Spirit... #DitsyDecember

Sometimes, even this close to The Big Day itself, it can be difficult to get into that 'Christmas Spirit'. Maybe you're just not feeling it yet this year, or maybe it's been lost somewhere along the way - either way, this post might just be for you. If your holiday happiness is kinda running low - here are just a handful of things that I personally find really awesome for getting you out of that 'Bah Humbug' mood...
  1. Listening to all of the Christmas music on repeat. I really do believe that this is the best way of reigniting that festive feeling, instantly. Get yourself a good ol' compilation CD full of all of the classics and your mood will be lifted in no time at all!
  2. Watching 'Elf'. I mean, any festive film will do, but personally this is the one which never fails to get me into the Christmas mood.
  3. Looking at old photos. If there's ever a time when I'm not really feeling the festive vibes, I really love looking through old photos from Christmas past. Not only is it a great way of almost reliving your childhood and getting all nostalgic (my actual favourite thing to do) - it's also an almost sure-fire way of helping you get into the spirit of the season. Even looking just back to last year can really make you look forward to what's come...
  4. Enjoy a tasty festive drink. I mean, is there anything more Christmassey than a good ol' Gingerbread Latte? Head to your neatest Starbucks or Costa and thank me later...
  5. Put up the tree (plus other decorations). Still haven't decorated your house and most importantly, put up your Christmas tree yet? I am personally am about getting it up as soon as December starts so, first of all - how?! But also, secondly, do it now. Put some festive tunes on in the background as you do it and you'll instantly feel in the fun 'n' festive mood.
  6. Have a festive get-together. Even before The Big Day and general Christmas itself, there's no reason why you couldn't perhaps try and arrange a nice little gathering of friends, family (or maybe both) right now to get yourself - and everyone else - fully in the festive mood. Obviously, everyone's schedules tend to be pretty jam-packed this time of year, so it may not always be actually possible, but if you can - it could well be all you need to get yourself feeling all happy and merry and just generally 'Christmassey'!
  7. Whack on a red lip. I love wearing a good ol' red lippy at all times throughout the year, but as soon as the festive season is upon us, I definitely find it to be a real makeup mood-lifter in terms of it really making me feel Christmassey basically as soon as I've put it on. It's simple, easy and a classic - but it works - and that's what we're all about, right?
  8. Baking! Again, baking is something I really enjoy in general but, it's even more fun and enjoyable around the festive season, isn't it? There's just so many amazing things you can make and bake and so many great recipes floating about to give you inspiration and in general, I just love how basically everything is themed and flavoured around this time of year. It's all spicy and warming, sweet and just generally yummy and I for one cannot wait to make some tasty treats of my own very, very soon...
  9. Go Christmas shopping. I know, I know - it may not initially sound at all like something you'd do to actually get yourself into the Christmas spirit (if anything it more sounds like something that'd do the opposite) but actually sometimes I find the whole aspect of surrounding yourself with people; with shops and scenes set all Christmassey and with festive music playing to really help do the trick. Basically, as long as you're not doing any actual Christmas shopping of your own - it becomes a lot more enjoyable...
  10. Take time out. If none of the above is working - maybe you just need to take a bit of time out. It could be more that you're getting so stressed over the season to actually be able to enjoy it and it could be that when you stop being so overwhelmed and take a step back that you actually start to feel properly festive and Christmas-ready. It does only come once a year, after all, so don't forget to actually enjoy it!

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