
Sunday 10 December 2017

Would You Rather? Christmas Edition! #DitsyDecember

I really fancied doing another fun little Christmassey 'TAG' post this #DitsyDecember and after some good searching, came across this post on Aycan's blog 'Little White Socks' from a few years ago. It's festive-themed and I really, really like the sound of the questions - so I figured why not just do it myself, right? Introducing - the 'Would You Rather? Christmas Edition'...
  1. Have to sing 'Jingle Bells' loudly every time you walk into a room OR wear a Santa suit to work/school every day for a week? I really can't sing that well so I'd have to go for wearing the Santa suit. I mean, this is the time of year where everyone dons their festive jumpers so - why should a Santa suit be any different, eh?
  2. Not celebrate Christmas this year OR not celebrate your Birthday this year? As much as I love celebrating my Birthday - seeing family and friends, eating a slice or two of birthday cake and just generally getting spoiled - I just really, really love Christmas. I love how it includes everyone, you get the chance to spoil others around you aswell and I mean - you can eat even more amazing types of food too. 
  3. Have Frosty The Snowman for a friend OR Ruldolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer? I really don't cope with with the cold very well so, I think I'm going to have to say Rudolph on this one! Also, it'd be pretty amazing to be able to fly here, there and everywhere - wouldn't it?
  4. Have mistletoe having in your bedroom doorway OR have a large decorated Christmas tree in your bedroom doorway? Taking all the connotations associated with mistletoe hanging up aside - I'd have to go for that option! I mean, it'd be pretty difficult to get in and out of your bedroom with a massive Christmas tree in the way and honestly, it's only really me who goes in and out of my bedroom anyway...
  5. Write a five paragraph essay about the meaning of Christmas OR solve a page of Christmas-themed maths problems? Oh definitely the first option! I always hated Maths at School, nor was I very good at it and that's still the case now - so I'd have to go for writing a festive-themed essay! I was always more of a lover of English subject-wise at School anyway - so I think that would certainly be playing up to my strengths more.
  6. Have a job wrapping presents at the mall OR have a job taking photographs of children sitting on Santa's lap at the mall? I feel like over the years I've gotten rather good at wrapping Christmas presents - even if I do say so myself - so I think I'll go for that one! I love taking photos, but not so much of people so I feel I wouldn't be very good at that at all!
  7. See The Nutcracker OR dance in The Nut Cracker? Definitely the former! I used to actually take dance lessons years ago when I was much younger but I really do't think I'd be good at it at all now - nor would I particularly want to - so I think I'd much rather sit back, relax and watch others do it instead!
  8. Be given £100 for Christmas to spend on yourself OR be given £1000 before Christmas to buy presents for other people? While the first option sounds nice, Christmas really is all about the giving and one of my favourite parts has to be picking out presents for other people and then watching them open them on Christmas Day. It's really lovely and fulfilling and who wouldn't love a bit of extra cash to really spoil everyone?
  9. Have a nose that glows red like Ruldoplh's OR have pointy ears like an Elf? I always used to get teased for having a bit of a red ace when growing up as a kid, so I'd definitely have to go for the pointy ears - even though that doesn't really sound like a good choice either!
  10. Be one of Santa's Elves OR be one of Santa's Reindeer? I'd actually quite like to be one of Santa's Elves ads one of the main things I enjoy about Christmas is buying presents - so what better than actually making them from scratch, eh? I mean, I might not be very good at it, but I can definitely give it a go...

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