
Monday 9 April 2018

Two Not-So-Great Mascaras...

We all know I generally like to be fairly positive round these parts, but sometimes it just isn't that easy. Sometimes, products aren't as amazing as you'd expect or hope them to be and so, while being positive and all that is great, my main aim of this blog is always to be completely honest with you all and that might mean that I have to give less glowing reviews every now and again. And surprisingly today, we have not one, but two mascaras that haven't floated my boat very much, if at all. I say 'surprisingly' as honestly, mascara is the sort of product that generally, I tend to like most offerings of. But, these two? Not so much. Let's talk about why...

First up - Benefit's Bad Gal Bang Mascara. You know I did that 'Tried and Tested/First Impressions' review here back in February and sort of concluded that I kinda liked it, but I kinda also wasn't sure? Well, it turns out that my final opinion is that I really don't like it. I know, I know - a controversial view seeing as most people have been raving about this stuff so far - but honestly, I'm just simply not a fan. The super thick, intense formula just makes my lashes so clumpy and heavy and though a love a little bit of thickness to my lashes (like a 'good' clump, yanno?) I find the formula of this to be so hard to control and so before you know it, you're in 'bad clump' territory where your lashes have all joined together to form about two giant, thick lashes on each upper eyelid. It's a shame as the formula itself is really hard-wearing, doesn't smudge or flake off and yet is really easy to remove at the end of the day, but the finish is just not a good look. and I've found no matter how much I leave it to dry out, the same problem remains. And considering how this is quite a pricey offering and I've tried so many good mascaras that are more than half the price that do such a better job - I think I'll be sticking to those from now on...

The second is a much more affordable option, and yet still I have come to to the conclusion that is just isn't for me. This is the L'Oreal X Fiber Xtreme Resist Mascara and I had pretty high hopes from this one. I actually bought it quite a while ago and have had it in storage, ready and waiting for when my current one finished (Essence's Lash Princess, BTW, seeing as Benefit's offering didn't replace it) and seeing as a week or so ago I felt that time had come, I decided it was about time I got it out to try. As I said, I was pretty hopeful that maybe, just maybe, this would turn out a little more positive, but unfortunately it was not to be. This one is actually a dual-ended - with the mascara on one side, and 'fibers' that you apply afterwards to thicken and lengthen on the other - and funnily enough, on the completely opposite end of the scale to the 'Bad Gal Bang', I simply find this mascara to be far too dry. Not a lot of product is dispersed onto the brushes and so you really have to go in, apply layer after layer to build things up even close to a level you're happy with and I mean, just who has the time for it? Of course, I'm also I'm kinda suss over how long this will even last for, considering how dried out it seems already. All in all, it may be cheaper than the Bad Gal Bang, but in this case, I'd much rather reach for some better drugstore offerings that do the job far better, and far quicker too.

So, two mascaras - one drugstore and one higher-end - that just didn't impress me much (hello, Shania Twain) and will most definitely not be replacing any of my favourites! Have you tried either of these? If so, what were your thoughts? Have you got any other mascaras that you're loving at the moment! Let me know!

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