
Friday 21 December 2018

The Cracking Christmas TAG! #DitsyDecember

Remember a few days ago, where I did a little festive 'Would You Rather?' Well, I decided I'd do another TAG-type post as the other day I spotted this other very Christmassey one on Hannah's blog and after giving it a read, thought I'd give it a go myself! Let's get straight on into it...
  1. Weirdest family tradition? Ooh, I'm not sure. My family definitely have a lot of traditions over Christmas but I'm not sure whether any would be considered 'weird'? Let me know if any of your families have any strange ones down below in the comments!
  2. It's Christmas Eve what are you doing? Well, this year I'll be working for a few hours on Christmas Eve for the very first time over the morning/afternoon - so that'll be fun. *Side eye*. But usually, Christmas Eve for me is all about sorting out any last-minute things, watching a Christmas film or two, and rounding off the day with a Chinese and doing a full pamper routine and all my beauty prep I need to do before The Big Day - all whilst catching up on some festive TV! And I'll still be doing all of that this year, just some in a little less amount of time because I finish work mid-afternoon!
  3. Top 3 Christmas Dinner components? Oooh, toughie! I love pretty much all elelments of a good ol' Christmas Dinner, but I guess if I had to pick just three top, top faves, they'd have to be Stuffing, Pigs in Blankets and Roast Parsnips! With Roast Potatoes a close fourth, obvs.
  4. When do you decorate your house? November, the beginning of December, the week of Christmas? Always the first weekend of December, the tree and any other decorations go up! I'd never want to decorate any earlier than the beginning of December as it just doesn't feel right, but I do definitely like to get things up and done as soon as possible when it does roll around so it's done, dusted and you've got tonnes of time to enjoy it and get in the festive spirit too!
  5. Loved and loathed Christmas songs? I've got so many favourites, but I think 'Merry Christmas Everyone' by Shakin Stevens will always be one of my top faves. As for 'loathed', I think it'd have to go to 'Mistletoe and Wine' by Cliff Richard!
  6. One big present or lots of little things to open? Definitely lots of little things! One of my favourite parts of Christmas is opening my stocking that my Mum puts together for me every year and that's full of small presents that are inexpensive, but really thoughtful and lovely.
  7. What's your favourite Christmas decoration? Definitely all of the older tree decorations that we've had and been using for years. I can remember them being on the tree since I was little and some are sentimental too!
  8. Do you like to have a themed tree or one with a bit of everything? I think ours is a bit of a combination of both, to be honest! Thee's definitely a general red and gold theme, but with the addition of all of the older decorations and any random ones we have that kind of mix things up too.
  9. Christmas pudding: yay or nay? Definitely 'Yay'! I love Christmas pudding. We make ours every year, using a family recipe and it's always something I look forward to on Christmas Day! All warmed up with some brandy cream - mmhmmm...
  10. What's at the top of your Christmas wishlist this year? Well, I guess if you want to know that you should just check out my Christmas Wishlist post I did earlier this month here! To be honest, there's not a lot I'm specifically 'asking for' this year as I find it gets harder each Christmas to think of things that I want that I would like or can't buy/haven't bought myself and really, I'm super-appreciative of anything and everything I receive, regardless of my wishlist!

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