
Friday 14 December 2018

The Unspoken Flip Side Of Christmas... #DitsyDecember

Though Christmas really is the most wonderful time of year, that certainly doesn't mean it doesn't come with its pitfalls. And I know that 'DitsyDecember is of course intended to focus a lot on the amazing highlights, and not so much on the perhaps-not-so-great aspects. However, for today I thought I'd switch that over - although whilst still keeping things very much lighthearted - and give a little rundown of a few things which, whilst we may not like to admit it, aren't our favourite things about he festive season...
  1. The. weather. is. so. damn. cold.
  2. The long, long queues for everything and anything, everywhere.
  3. And the fact that there's massive crowds of people everywhere too!
  4. The fact that whilst you love Christmas music, you really cannot escape it, even if you tried...
  5. ...Especially if you work in Retail.
  6. Trying to come up with original, good gift ideas when you feel like you used up all of your good ones about three years ago.
  7. ...Whilst also trying to resist buying a tonne of 'gifts' for yourself when you're supposed to be shopping for others.
  8. There just always feels like there's so much to do and yet so little time too!
  9. Trying to resist turning the whole of December into one big Cheat Day.
  10. Attempting to wrap any present that isn't square or rectangular-shaped - because you don't want to give in and just bundle it into a gift bag. Period.

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