
Monday, 4 November 2019

Blogmas Tips 'n' Tricks...

It's November, which can only mean one thing - it's Blogmas next month! Or, as I like to title it, 'Ditsy December' - a.k.a where I upload a new blog post every single day in December at 9am! Yes, I'm doing it once again (I think this is my sixth year!) and I can't wait! But, seeing as we've now got less than a month to do until it begins, this year I thought I'd compile a few tips 'n' tricks that I've acquired over the years in case you were perhaps debating on joining in on the Blogmas (or whatever your version/title of it may be) fun...

START GETTING PREPARED EARLY - Perhaps the obvious one, but if you really wanna give Blogmas (or whatever your version of Blogmas may be) a go, you'll ideally want to try and start the preparations early. Like, I started trying to think and schedule in a few rough ideas as early as last month! And that's kind of how I've done things in the past and I find it works well every time, so I'd really suggest you do the same if you want to make the whole experiences as 'easy' and stress-free as possible. That's exactly why I've chosen to publish this post now, you see...

BRAINSTORM IDEAS - As I said earlier, to start with it's always a great idea to just start getting a few general ideas down. Whether you record some actual titles of posts you want to publish or just general topics you want to cover - it all helps! Perhaps starting more broad (for example, 'Beauty') and then expanding into more specific titles/topics might be a good route to go down but whatever suits you the best, go with it...

...AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO JUST KEEP THINGS CHRISTMASSEY - Something I quickly learnt through doing Blogmas/Ditsy December is that not all of your posts have to be about/featuring all things festive and Christmassey. Despite the name, Blogmas can be whatever you want it to be! Maybe you do actually want to keep things wholly Christmas-related. Maybe you want to not incorporate the festivities much, if at all. Or, perhaps you want to do a mixture - like I typically find myself doing! Whatever way - there are absolutely no rules to Blogmas, at all. Just post what you want to post and you're all good!

GET AHEAD AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! - Similarly for the first point, once you actually start your preparations - I always find it extremely helpful to try and get ahead with things as much as I can before December 1st comes around. Personally, by that time I always aim to have all of my ideas for every day filled in (whether I change or move them around at any point - that's fine), the bulk of at least the first week's worth of posts done and also the matching photos to go alongside them taken and edited too. Maybe a few other posts here and there I might try and get done, or partially down (just the photos or just the text) is always good too, but basically I just generally try and do as much as I can, pre-December so that once it comes around I can relax a little! Also, by getting as many posts done/partially done as possible, it means I have more flexibility if I choose to change what order I post them in.

SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! - Something which is always super-important during Blogmas is sharing! Not only your own posts (in order to help as many people see them as possible) but also to discover other's posts and help them get the attention they deserve too! It's all part of the fun of doing it I guess!

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