
Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Would You Rather? Christmas Edition #3! #DitsyDecember

For the past two years, I've completed different versions of the 'Would You Rather? Christmas Edition' Tag in #DitsyDecember (here and here) that I've found on others' blogs, liked the look of the questions and wanted to have a go at answering myself! Well, this year I've come across yet another set of questions on Alice's blog here so, I felt it was only right I brought back this format for the third year running and give my answers to them all! Cause, who says you can't have some fun during Blogmas? Let's get into it...
  1. Quality Street OR Roses? Ooo, easy - Roses! They're definitely my first choice when it comes to Christmas chocolates!
  2. Real tree OR Artificial tree? Whilst I love the look of real Christmas trees, I've only ever had fake ones. However, I actually love how much more 'practical' and 'easy' they seem (and reusable too!) and if you get a good one, they honestly can look quite realistic - so I'd have to go for artificial!
  3. Love Actually OR The Holiday? Don't hate me, but I think I've only watched Love Actually sometime before so I'd have to say that one!
  4. Snow at Christmas OR no snow at Christmas? Because at Christmas I like (and usually am) staying at home, I think it's perhaps the one time of year that I don't mind being all cosy inside whilst it's all snowy outside - so I definitely wouldn't say no to snow at Christmas!
  5. Dress up on Christmas Day OR stay in your PJs? I never really need any excuse to get my glam on so I personally love getting all dressed up on Christmas Day! 
  6. Christmas Pudding OR Trifle? Personally, I've never had trifle around Christmas - my family's always been about good ol' Xmas Pud! Yep, that's right - I'm a fan of it...
  7. Shopping online OR shopping in-store? Around Christmas time, I tend to do a mix of both. Whilst I love shopping in-store and getting to really have a real-life look at potential presents or cards, shops are so busy this time of years that sometimes shopping online can be a real life-saver. So I think for this one I'd have to cheat a little and say - Both!
  8. The Grinch OR Elf? I think we all know the answer to this one - Elf! By far my favourite Christmas film of all time...
  9. Have Christmas every five months OR every five years? I actually think I'd have to say every five years as I sometimes think having a bigger gap between Christmases would actually be quite nice as it'd allow for an even bigger build-up (which we all know is the best part of Christmas) and would just make us even more excited and anticipated for it!
  10. Get lots of little presents OR one large present? Ooo, a tough one! I think I'd have to say the former as I really  do love lots of little presents - like the sort of ones I get in my stocking - as I usually get lots of really handy, 'everyday' things that I know I'll get tonnes of use out of, if you get what I mean!

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