
Wednesday 19 December 2018

Would You Rather? Christmas Edition #2! #DitsyDecember

Last year, during my last #DitsyDecember (as you would have seen here) I did my very first 'Would You Rather? Christmas Edition TAG! I really like to mix things up and try doing some sort of festive TAG at some point throughout #DitsyDecember each year and last year I decided on a Christmas-inspired 'Would You Rather?', after finding it on a someone's blog. Then, this year, I was once again on the hunt for a TAG and actually came across yet another Christmassey 'Would You Rather?' on another gal's blog here and seeing as it features totally different questions, I thought I'd give it a go! So, without any further ado - let's get started...
  1. Eat brussel sprouts OR cauliflower cheese? Definitely brussel sprouts, I actually quite like them and they're a classic at Christmas too!
  2. Have twinkling lights OR still lights? I love all types of lights at Christmas to be honest, but maybe if I had to pick one, I'd have to go for twinkling lights!
  3. Eat gingerbread OR Ferrero Rocher? I really like both, but I think I'll have to say Ferrero Rochers!
  4. Open your Christmas presents with only immediate family OR with all of your family members? Definitely immediate family! I actually don't really like opening presents in front of people at all, so I think the less, the better!
  5. Cook Christmas Dinner for the whole family OR don't eat Christmas Dinner at all? I couldn't go without Christmas Dinner, so I think I'd have to just have a go at cooking the Christmas Dinner for everyone!
  6. Have a real Christmas Tree OR fake Christmas Tree? We've always had a fake Christmas Tree in my family and I've always really loved it so I would have to stick with that!
  7. Use blue, yellow, white OR multicoloured lights? I really like warm-toned lights, especially around Christmas-time, so I would have to go with yellow!
  8. Eat mince pies OR Christmas cake? Ooo, a tough one as I love both but if I really had to choose between the two I think I'd have to go with a classic Mince Pie!
  9. Wake up at 6am OR 10am? I'm definitely not an early morning person, except for one day only - and that is Christmas! I love waking up early to open presents and just make the most of the day so I would have to say 6am!
  10. Drink Champagne OR Hot Chocolate? Again, a tough one as I love both for different reasons (well, if we're replacing 'Champagne' with Prosecco!) but seeing as it's Christmas, I think I'd have to go with a glass or two of bubbly to celebrate!
  11. Eat Heroes OR Roses? Tough one again as these are definitely my two favourite selection 'boxes' but I think I'd have to go with my ultimate favourite here - Roses!
  12. Get a puppy for Christmas OR a kitten for Christmas? I'm definitely more of a dog person than a cat person so I think I'd have to say a puppy!
  13. Watch Elf OR Home Alone? You all know the answer to this one - 100% Elf!
  14. Only be able to listen to Christmas songs all year round OR never hear a Christmas song again? Though listening to Christmas songs all year round would definitely drive me insane after a while, I couldn't never listen to one again so I think I'd have to go for the former option here!
  15. Wake up bright and early and get all of the best Boxing Day sale goodies OR stay warm and cosy in bed wearing your new Christmas PJ's? Definitely, 100% - stay inside, all nice and warm and cosy! I have never once gone out for the Boxing Day sales and that's not gonna change anytime soon. I just don't see the hype or need for it - especially nowadays when there's such a thing as online shopping, if you really want to get your shopping kick after Christmas...

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