
Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Brands I'd Love To Try In 2021... #DitsyDecember

I was thinking the other day about some brands and products I'd perhaps like to try in the coming year and then I thought - why not do a #DitsyDecember post all about it? So, without any further ado - here goes...

SAMPLE BEAUTY - I'd really like to try a palette from Sample Beauty next year. Their Jewel Toned Edition is such a stunning looking palette and The Painter's Palette (that they released in collaboration with Instagram artist Beth Painter) looks to be an awesome rainbow palette too. Both have pretty solid, rave reviews - along with a lot of other other palettes too - so I'd definitely be interested in finally giving their formula a try in 2021...

JUVIA'S PLACE - Another brand that I'd love to try in terms of their eyeshadow formula is certainly Juvia's Place. A raved-about brand for a good while now, I've seen others saying how good their palettes are for so long! However, I've only really be interested in trying any for myself this past year or so and by then, I have to admit there weren't many colour stories of theirs that really grabbed my attention. But, I have spotted one or two lately that definitely have - so maybe next year is when I'll take the plunge?

ABH - Anastasia Beverley Hills/ABH is such a well-known, well-loved brand that everyone and their Nan seems to have tried by now. However, I still haven't jumped on the bandwagon just yet! I suppose it's mainly down to the fact it's very much a boujee, high end brand

SHEEN COSMETICS - I've really fallen in love with the whole 'water activated liner' trend this year, thanks to my ones I picked up and tried from Barry M! However, this small, indie brand supposedly has a great formula, at a pretty reasonable price and in such a wide range of shades too. Like, there's virtually every and any colour in their range that you could ever want! They also do different textures and finishes too - from Matte, to Neon, to Metallic. I'm intrigued...

MADE BY MITCHELL - Last, but certainly not least - I'm really intrigued by the new-ish brand from Mitchell (a.ka. MmmMitchell). After being so super impressed by his collab palette with Beauty Bay, I was really eager to see what was on the cards when he announced his very own brand earlier this year. I have been quite tempted by his releases so far, but nothings really grabbing me - but I'm certainly going to be keeping the brand on my watch list for 2021...

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