
Saturday 25 April 2015

The A-Z Of DaintyDitsy (TAG!) #AllMonthApril

I was doing a little searching round the other day for a TAG I could perhaps use for today's post as something a bit different and found this one from the lovely Zee of GlitzZeeGlam - 'The A-Z Of Me'! I had a look through and loved the concept of it and the questions so that's exactly what I'm doing today! Enjoy...

A - Artist(s) - If we're talking music artists then my favourites change pretty much all the time, but at the moment I'm loving James Bay.
B - Blog(s) - Too many to list - I love so many!
C - Celebrity - I have had the biggest girl-crush on Cheryl Cole (or should I say Fernandez-Versini?) for the longest of times - basically ever since the good 'ole Girls Aloud days, and so I guess I'll have to say her.
D - Dessert - Do I have to pick just one? I love pretty much any dessert, but if I had to pick only one - maybe Cheesecake? I'm sure that could easily change if you asked me this tomorrow...
E - Exercise - I do love a good POPSUGAR Fitness workout video in the mornings.
F - Flower - What an a apt question for my blog, eh? I love pretty much any flower really - especially ditsy floral, of course - but I do particularly like daisies.
G - Guilty Pleasure - As stated above, I was a proper GA fan-girl back in the day and still now have a soft spot for them, so I guess they're my guilty pleasure. I'm not guilty of liking them and their music, but I know they're a bit of a Marmite act popularity-wise for some people. I love 'em.
H - Hack - I actually did a whole post here not too long back all about some of my top beauty hacks that I've discovered so I'd say any of those are some of my personal faves.
I - iPhone App - I love Hootsuite for blogging and I am nearly always on Twitter.
J - Jewellery - I love a good bit of costume jewellery from Primark as much as the next person but I also have lots of special sentimental jewellery that I like to keep.
K - Keepsake - As I mentioned, a lot of my keepsakes are jewellery-based - my favourite one probably being a bracelet my Nanny and Grandad got me when I was little.
L - Laugh - If we're going with something that makes me laugh then I'd have to say comedies/comedians are probably my favourite - especially Miranda (both the sitcom and actual Miranda Hart are just hilarious).
M - Movies - I thought about this one for so long! But one that really sticks in my mind is Gone Girl - I saw it a while back when it was released and it was strange (in a good way) but so good!
N - Number - My lucky/favourite number has and always will be the number 6.
O - Outfit - My top go-to probably (especially in Spring) has to be a simple top with skinny jeans, my leather jacket and black converse.
P - Pin - I don't actually have Pinterest but I'm always thinking of giving it a go sometime so maybe one day I will be able to do all this 'pinning' everyone goes on about!
Q - Question - Tell me what you think about me. Sorry.
R - Restaurant - Again, thought too long about this one! If we're going for one that's available everywhere then I do love a good Nando's or Pizza Hut - their lunchtime buffet is just all kinds of awesome.
S - Store - Probably the Mothership that is - Boots.
T - TV Shows - I've already mentioned Miranda (obvs), but I'm also quite partial to a good soap opera or five two. I've always watched Corrie for as long as I can remember and have also really got into good 'ole Easties in the last few years. I love a good drama, too.
U - Urban Decay - I'm a big fan of their Primer Potion and have been eyeing up their Naked Palettes (all three of course - classic beauty blogger) for as long as I can remember so I doubt it'll be too long before my UD collection is expanded...
V - Vacation Spot - This may not necessarily classify as a 'vacation' but I love going to London for the day and having an explore. If we're talking actual holiday locations, I've never actually been abroad so far in my life (fun fact for you) and so my favourite place I've been on a family holiday has to be Cornwall.
W - Website - You can usually find me browsing anything from Blogger/Bloglovin' to Feel Unique to YouTube and all that procrastination goodness in-between. I'm also quite partial to the occasional scour through Digital Spy if I'm in the mood to check up on all the goings-on in the world of celebs...
Y - YouTuber - Over the years I've had many different favourites - they seem to change all the time - but right now I'm loving Alix from 'I Covet Thee' - her videos are just so interesting to watch and well-edited and her voice is just the most relaxing thing (strange thing to pick up on, but it's true).
Z - Zodiac - Despite my name suggesting otherwise, I was born in May (next month - exciting!) and so I'm a Taurus.

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