
Sunday 26 April 2015

Beauty Brand Favourites: Soap and Glory #AllMonthApril

It's time again for another Beauty Brand Favourites and this time I'm focusing more on the body care side of things, and probably my favourite of them all when it comes to smellies - Soap and Glory. Since discovering the brand a few years back, I have found many a gem which I love and use regularly, and upon receiving a mega box-set of their range at Christmas, I've had even more to sample so I guess there's no better time than now to give you guys the lowdown on just a few of my top picks...

'Calm One Calm All' Bubble Bath - I'll hold my hands up and admit I don't really have many particular favourite bubble baths - I usually just pick up what's on offer and be done with it. However, this is one I've used time and time again and have always enjoyed. Firstly - it manages to actually produce a ton of bubbles (anyone else get this issue that their 'bubble' bath never ends up very bubbly at all?) - but it also leave the water very nice feeling and smelling indeed. The formula contains a built-in body lotion, so you actually feel like it's doing more than just covering your nudey-ness up, and the smell is the classic Soap and Glory fragrance - if you're a regular of the brand, you'll know what one I mean. I personally love this one out of them all as it manages to just be the perfect, what I'd imagine to be, 'people-pleasing' scent.

'Sugar Crush' Body Scrub - A newer discovery from the brand, I love this scrub so, so much. I actually love anything from the Sugar Crush range in general if I'm honest, the scent is just all kinds of amazing - citrusy yet still sweet, perfect for when you want something refreshing but not too sharp or bitter. This is a proper 'exfoliating' exfoliator and really gets to work on any areas of rough/dead skin you apply it to. The grains of macadamia and brown sugar make up a large proportion of the scrub (unlike some others) and so you do really notice a difference afterwards - and all with a 'so good you can eat' scent too. Mmmhmm.
'Hand Food' Hand Cream - This was the first product I actually tried from Soap and Glory and still to this day I love it. Again, like bubble bath products, hand cream seems to be a product I flit about a bit with - from one brand to another - but this is probably the only one I actually have ever come back to. First off - it smells gorgeous (always a bonus) - but more importantly, it really does help make my hands super-soft and supple without leaving an overly greasy feeling that means I can't do anything for about ten minutes.

'Heel Genius' Foot Cream - A bit of a random choice perhaps, but when I was trying to whittle-down the products I wanted to mention for this post, this one came to the forefront of my mind, along with the words 'game-changer'. Before I started using this, I use to have a lot of trouble with my feet in terms of their condition. They would always be cracked throughout the Winter, only really improving during the warmer months or if I slapped a ton (and I mean, a ton) of body cream on them. And then this is where this beauty comes in. This came part of my Soap and Glory mahoosive Christmas set and I instantly fell in love. Within a few uses, the cracks had started to drastically improve and as of now - they're gone, completely. Whilst this may be a slightly less glamorous topic, I genuinely have not found a cream so effective for my feet and I'd really recommend you try it too if you haven't already.

'Solar Powder' Bronzer - Finally, finishing on a more makeup-themed note. Up until the start of this year I was yet to try anything from the Soap and Glory makeup range, despite so many mass raves surrounding it. That all changed before long and this item was purchased (as you would have seen here) and honestly, I have used it nearly every single day since. I used to always struggle with bronzers being far too warm and orangey on my complexion but the use of two shades in this - one more of a 'traditional' bronzer shade and one more honey-toned - helps this to complement paler skins and so suits me down to a tee. I simply swirl my brush between the two and it's perfect for an all-over bronze or even for a slight contour as on closer inspection I could not find a shimmery speck in sight. Love, love, love.

As I said earlier, there were so many other products I could've easily included in this roundup, but there are just five of my top faves! Have you tried any of these, or have you got some other Soap and Glory recommendations? I'd love to hear them *gets already-mile-long shopping list out*...

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