
Thursday 23 April 2015

The Healthy Breakfast Bowl #AllMonthApril

I used to be the world's least fan of breakfast. I know, I know. For what felt like years (and what probably was) I spent a lot of time fine-tuning a breakfast I thought I'd love, having it for a week or so before growing to become sick of the sight of it. I don't know whether it was the fact I was having it nearly every day (sometimes I'd have something else on weekends) or just the fact it wasn't the right breakfast for me - something just wasn't working. Over the years I've tried pretty much everything - from toast to cereal and everything in between - and at first my options remained quite vast, despite mentally crossing different combinations off the 'list' each time I couldn't stand the sight of it anymore. A few years back I paid little to no attention to healthy eating and so this didn't factor into my head hardly at all, and despite my situation - I wasn't even a fussy eater in anyway. I just had this strange complex when it came to breakfast...

It was only really when I became more interested in this whole healthy eating thing that I actually started thinking more actually about the content of the breakfasts I was choosing and started to mentally construct what I believed would be a somewhat 'healthy' choice in the hope that this new way of thinking may convince me to eat it for more than a few days. This resulted in me coming up with something I like to dub - 'The Breakfast Bowl'. Inspired by my own Mum's favourite breakfast, this composed of muesli (the best kind I could find and weighed out so not to be more unhealthy than healthy) and some low-fat yoghurt (I've got an aversion to milk coming anywhere near any kind of breakfast so this was the best alternative). I found to really enjoy it and actually looked forward to having it every morning - something I just wasn't getting with other ideas I'd tried before. Most importantly though, I stuck with it and still now my breakfast revolves around something along those lines. But if I were to get slightly bored with it - as I have occasionally now and again - the whole concept still allows a degree of flexibility. The muesli or yoghurt itself is easily changed and there's also a wide range of other toppings I sometimes like to add - fresh or dried fruit, chai seeds - just to mix things up a bit and also add an extra hit of nutrition.

I think I've finally found the breakfast for me *hears rounds of applause in the distance*.

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