
Sunday 5 April 2015

Things To Make Time For On A Sunday #AllMonthApril

Sunday's (despite working in the mornings) are often one of my more relaxed days where I like to  take some time out to do some things I perhaps didn't have time for over the week. Once my working day is over at noon, there's a few ways I like to spend my afternoon (satisfying rhyme there, April)...

  • De-connecting - I'll be the first to admit this one doesn't always happen, but on Sunday's at least for a little bit I like to attempt to disconnect myself from my phone and any other technology I may head straight to as a result and just be. Lay down and have a well-earned rest without feeling the need to tell my Twitter timeline about it. I always feel so much better afterwards.
  • Treating Myself - Other than pampering myself on Sunday's, I also like to sometimes give myself a little treat diet-wise and have a mini-cheat. Also, with it being Easter Sunday in the UK today - what better excuse but to stuff yourself silly with chocolate eggs? As well as working as a reward for getting myself to the end of another week, it also actually helps to put myself back in the mind-set of healthy eating, as it helps satisfy any cravings that have perhaps been lurking and means I can start afresh on Monday.
  • Brush Washing - I know, let's all do a collective groan shall we? It's everyone's least favourite beauty task, but one that a). is pretty necessary if hoarding a rather substantial collection and b). is always worth it the next day when you come to put your makeup on. I like to do this in the evening when nothing particularly interesting is on the TV and I have no excuse but to stand at my sink for fifteen minutes at the most and get my tools all good as new for the week ahead. I've done a post here all about how I go about cleaning my brushes and what products I use.
  • Clearing Out - Yes, another one that might have to exclaiming 'Really?' at the screen, but one I find to be a really useful Sunday task. Whether this be a good clear-out of my makeup collection and nail polish stash, a root through my wardrobe or just a general tidy up of my bedroom - if I have time I like to try and tackle at least one slightly worse-for-wear area so I can be ready and raring to go for the next week. Tidy house, tidy mind and all that.
  • Nail Painting - In general I like to have 'pamper nights' every Saturday and Sunday evenings if I can, but especially on a Sunday I like to extend this ritual to giving my finger beds (and sometimes toes if I'm really feeling fancy) a good spruce up. I try and do  proper nail routine - trim, file, buff, shine etc - and then lacquer up with whatever polish I like, taking my time with each coat and prepping and finishing with a base and top coat. If I paint my nails in between the week it's not usually that lengthy, so I try to make Sunday nail-painting that little more luxury. My whole 'Polish Pick' series might help to give you some colour inspiration.

Monday? I'm ready for ya.

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