
Sunday 12 April 2015

Upgrade Your Pamper #AllMonthApril

I love a good pamper any day of the week - I especially love them on weekends though. There's just something about concluding your week with a good hour or so in the bathroom, pampering and preening yourself and emerging like something out of those adverts you see. Ok, maybe not that far. But still, I do love employing my Saturday/Sunday evening (or even both) as official 'pamper nights'. I wrote this post during #DitsyDecember all about my pamper routine, and although that was written during the festive season, typically it stays the same all year round. So, rather than recapping on that area again, this time round I'm telling you a few simple ways I like to 'upgrade' my usual pamper for evenings when I really, really want/need an extra special treat...
  • ALL-OVER - I really do believe that if you want to really upgrade your pamper, the answer commonly lies in the use of oils. Whether on your face, body, even in your bath - oils are super-nourishing and the act of using them just feels proper luxurious.
  • HAIR - When in the mood to give my hair a proper treat, I love using leave-on formulas - whether it be a normal conditioner, or more of a full-on mask. These always indulge my hair and because you don't wash them off, you know they're really doing their job and your hair is going to feel super-pampered afterwards.
  • FACE - Whenever I really want to feel super-pampered, when choosing a face mask I always seem to gravitate towards those with a clay base as opposed to their peeley counterparts. Whilst they may do just as an awesome job, I always find the act of using clay masks so much more indulgent and my skin always feel that bit more pampered once I've rinsed it off.
  • NAILS - When I'm in a rush/can't really be bothered, I'm usually a slap-on-and-go type gal when it comes to nail polish. However, when I'm in more need of a pick-me-up, I attempt to carry out more of a nail routine and out comes the five-way buffer, top coats, base coats - the lot. Although it's well documented that this is the step I probably have less success in actually completely, I do try and whenever I do, I always notice a difference.

And there are just a few ways I like to 'upgrade' my pamper for special occasions. Of course there are other, more non beauty-related ways I can also be seen turning too in these situations - did someone say 'hot chocolate'?

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