
Friday 26 June 2015

Things To Make Time For On A Friday

Remember this post I did sometime in #AllMonthApril where I talked about some of the things I like to make special time for on my Sundays? Well, today, as the month draws to a close (already?) I thought I'd drop in with the same type of post, although this time round - Friday-themed. You know that 'Friday feeling' everyone always goes on about? Here's just a few of the things I personally like to do to get that whole euphoria going (or possibly hype it up even more)...
  • Catch up - You know when the week just seems to fly by in the blink of an eye and before you know it Friday is upon us yet there are things still hanging round your to-do list since Monday? Perhaps use today to get ahead of yourself again - even if that's just watching all the Eastenders episodes you've not had a chance to this week - before Monday creeps up on us once more.
  • Plan ahead - I always find it's best to try and be organised when it comes to weekends. With them being so short and time so precious - it's nice to have a bit of a think Friday evening about what you maybe want to spend your time doing those two days. Nothing necessarily has to be set completely in stone, but if do you have a rough idea, you can plan your time around it and so save a hella lot of it come Saturday morning - trust me.
  • Get finished - There's something just so satisfying about not only ticking things off your to-do list on a Friday - but getting things to a point where you can say they're 'Finished' - isn't there? Any other day of the working week you can perhaps let things come to more of a sudden halt to pick up the following day, but on a Friday it's nice to just be able to get to a point where it's comfortable to completely sign-off for the weekend.
  • Treat yo'self - Now this is one fairly similar to my 'Sunday' version of this post, however this time I'm talking perhaps more of a #FeelingSpendy treat. It's the end of the week, maybe the Pay Day Fairy has come only the day before - why not reward yourself? Perhaps there's a purse you've been eyeing up for weeks, or a MAC lipstick that you keep going into store to swatch and look at adoringly, before assuring yourself you do not need another fuchsia pink and walking away. Just throw caution to the wind - and get it. 
  • Quality time - Just like the importance of an Eastenders catch up at the end of the week, it's important to catch up with 'real lie' too and perhaps spend a bit of quality time on a Friday with loved ones at the end of the day. If they're closer to home, maybe you could make an effort to have dinner together and discuss how your week's been, or if they're further away - why not pick up the phone and have a good chin-wag. You'll feel so much better for it - trust me.

Weekend? I'm ready for ya.


  1. Friday is by far my favourite day of the week. I always wake up with a huge smile on my face and carefree feeling. Therefore, for me the best way to spend Friday is enjoy having 'me time', maybe a bit of shopping as well!
