
Wednesday 24 June 2015

The New, Much-Needed Addition To My Nail Care Routine

I admitted back in this post how I'm not one to be carrying out much of a nail care routine. Sure, I love painting the things and can frequently be found perusing the aisles of Boots or Superdrug searching out a new coloured lacquer to trial out on my beds, but as for actually taking care of the things - not so much. To be fair, since I hit 'Publish' on that I have started to gradually ease myself in to  the whole 'TLC' thing nail-wise - with this post not that long afterwards centred on my purchase of a nail treatment - but other than that, things haven't really changed much. That is until now, though...

The other week, when picking up some items for my 'NIATD' post (which you can see here), I stumbled across something in the Maybelline stand. Introducing the Dr Rescue SOS Nail Balm. Now, I have always had a little bit of trouble with my cuticles. Until a few years back they always used to bother me as they seemed to grow so long and almost cover half of nail at some points - making the overall process of nail painting a bit of a 'mare. That was until I discovered the whole art of pushing them back and shaping them of course, but obviously that then left me with the desperate need of having to trim what I'd pushed back into my natural cuticle line and generally leaving me with a bit of a ragged finish. While I have over time got slightly better at it, I was still always on the hunt for a product that would do that whole 'cuticle remover' thing that supposedly is the answer to all my prayers. I know Sally Hansen and a few other brands do something similar, but I just never got round to picking one up and to some extent could never really justify the price. Then I spotted the Maybelline offering.

Upon opening, this appears just like a lip balm would in twist-up packaging - but it's formulated especially for your nails! The balm contains a mix of Jojoba Oil and Shea Butter to really nourish your nail and cuticle area leaving either a better appearance to naked nails or even a nice  'colour correcting' base for a colour to layer on top of. I love how travel-friendly it is and how it really can be applied on-the-go whenever you feel you nails are looking a little raggedy - cause let's face it, that's usually when we really notice they are - and I feel very content indeed to finally have something like this in my nail collection for the days when I do want to give them a little bit of TLC...

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