
Monday 15 June 2015

Tried and Tested: Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara

I know, I know - I jumped on the bandwagon (again). This time though - a perhaps more unlikely one, as you'd be able to tell from the title. For any of you who've never heard of this mascara before - yes, that really is the actual name. I have to admit when it first popped up in a Zoella video not that long ago of her proclaiming about her recent favourites, I did do a few expressions (much like Zoe herself infact) and was more than a little bemused at a). why someone thought that name to be the kind you'd slap on a mascara tube and b). just how good it actually is beyond the eyebrow-raising title. Oh how wrong I was.

Yes, even now I've bought it myself, gave it a trial run and (spoiler alert) - love it, the name still now makes me cringe - but besides that, I really do think this is one of the best I've found for a long while. Only a couple of months ago I was raving all about the new Maybelline Lash Sensational and while I do still think that is amazing considering the drugstore price point, if you're in the market to perhaps treat yourself and spend that little more on your lash offerings - this is most definitely one I'd recommend.
Having until now been an exclusively drugstore lash gal, I have to admit to feeling just a little apprehensive at blowing nearly £20 on something that I wasn't even sure would work that well, or even at all, for my lashes. I always think that if I was to go all out on any other area of makeup, there is that safety net in that you can easily swatch and tell almost-instantly before you part with your hard-earned cash if it's for you. With mascaras - it's not that easy. However, being my first higher-end offering I've tried for my lashes, I cannot tell you how pleased I am now for biting the beauty bullet and giving it a go. This pretty much does everything you'd ever want from a mascara, all in one. It lengthens, but also thickens at the same time without going clumpy (unless perhaps if you really went in and applied layer after layer with little care). It leaves an incredible curl to the lashes afterwards without even prepping them beforehand with an eyelash curler and most importantly for me - it's buildable. For me, mascaras hit that 'holy grail' status when they're able to both leave your lashes looking quite natural with only one coat, yet transform them into a set that look almost false-like with a good coat or three more. This does that for me.
While it doesn't say anywhere on the packaging about it being waterproof or not, I've found it to sustain this recent heat-wave we've been experiencing pretty well and stay exactly where I've placed it right till at the end of a long, often sweat-filled (lovely) day. And that folks, is the tell-tale sign of a truly good mascara...

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