
Friday 28 August 2015

A New Brush Love From Real Techniques... #AllMonthAugust

Will Real Techniques ever release a brush that doesn't float my boat? Seemingly not as recently (as you'd know if you read this post) I've been finally making good use out of this little tool that up until then, had been gathering dust in my brush collection...

Introducing, the Real Techniques Fan Brush. Part of their newly-launched 'Sculpting Set', this is ideal for a multitude of tasks. As I said in the aforementioned post, I really love using this with highlighter, using the side of the brush to swipe it on the very tops of the cheekbones to create that defined, but still natural-looking glow. The same goes for bridge of the nose, cupid's bow, chin - everywhere - it is just fab.
It's also equally fab for employing in many other jobs as well yanno. A brilliant pairing with highlighter, it's just as good at working with pretty much any and every powder product out there. Any pinpoint application - this brush is your guy. Wanna powder just a certain area? Get this bad boy to work. It's also fab for softly buffing over any areas you feel you've perhaps over-applied any pigments, such as blush or bronzer. Also, as specified on the kit itself, this brush is perfect for sweeping away any excess product you may've applied, such as fall-down from extra sparkly shadows. All in all - it's a good'un!

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