
Saturday 29 August 2015

25 Facts About Me TAG (Part Two!) #AllMonthAugust

Seeing as a few weeks ago in #AllMonthAugust I did this post featuring just a handle of facts about moi, I figured it may just be a good idea to conjure up another batch for you lovely lot to feast on. Let's get started, eh?

  1. I hate, hate, HATE slow walkers. I swear they're the bane of my life - especially the ones who insist on doing so right in the middle of the path so you can't even get past them.
  2. Cadbury's 'Boost' is my favourite, favourite kind of chocolate bar. Mmhmmm.
  3. Whenever I buy something, I always have to pick one from the back, I can never just pick one straight from the front. Definitely a trait I get from my Mum, fo' sho'.
  4. I've got 99 retail-problems and being asked 'Is that free?' when an item doesn't scan after a fair few attempts is most certainly one of them.
  5. I'm a rather strange eater and always eat foods off my plate in order from my least-liked to the one I like the most - saving the best 'til last, yanno. It's something I used to do when I was a kid and even now I just cannot eat my tea any other way.
  6. I've got Size 8/9 feet and I hate it and always wish they were just that little bit smaller.
  7. While I do love a good bit o' shopping of the online variety, sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than actually going into a real-life shop, casually perusing and picking things up, making some purchases and excitedly taking them home with you.
  8. For me, it's Lemonade over Coke any day.
  9. Ever since I used to watch 'Bernard's Watch' as a kid,  I've always wished I was Bernard and I had a watch like that too - I mean, why wouldn't you?
  10. I've never been a particularly 'sickly' person and have only been full-on sick (TMI?) a handful of times throughout my whole 18 years on Earth. *Ferociously taps wood and crosses fingers so as to not jinx anything*
  11. I've got a bit of an addiction to sweet potato...
  12. I've always been quite a creative person and I guess that's part of the reason why I started this blog in the first place!
  13. I cry at pretty much any and every moment possible - when I'm sad, angry, anxious, stressed - and more recently, when I'm happy (I definitely did not cry at my big sis' wedding, oh no...).
  14. I once wrote an entire story when I was younger (and I have literally no idea where it is now) and I soon became convinced I was set to become the next big Author - yeah, that dream soon fizzled out when I realised just how unrealistic it actually was...
  15. I can't decide whether I want a tattoo or not.
  16. Organising things has to be one of my favourite not-that-exciting past times.
  17. Chinese is by far my favourite kinda of takeaway (other than a good 'ole Fish and Chips of course).
  18. I love looking back at old photos.
  19. I am a massive Soaps addict and have been pretty much since I was younger - Corrie and Eastenders are by far two of my fave TV programmes.
  20. I have only taken part in a General Election once so far - and that was the most-recent one this year that actually took place the day after my 18th! (Good timing, eh?)
  21. In February of this year I met Tanya Burr as part of her book tour for 'Love Tanya'. It was such a lovely experience (despite the long-ass wait in the slightly rank weather) and after she signed my copy she told me I was 'So pretty' which made my day! (Yes, I know it's pathetic).
  22. I go through stages of having like no dreams at all to suddenly having one that's really full-on and so graphic and weird - like a big amalgamation of all the things that had happened to me in the past few days retold in a really strange way.
  23. I was bullied in some shape or form many times throughout my years at school.
  24. I do not know where I would be without my phone... yeah I know.
  25. I own far too many nail polishes for my own good... or do I?

And that just about wraps up the second round of the '25 Facts About Me' TAG! Just like before, please could you comment down below one random fact about you - I'd love to read them!

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