
Sunday 30 August 2015

Bath Tea Bags? It's A Thing... #AllMonthAugust

I was going round my local seaside town with my Mum yesterday afternoon when we came across a shop I'd never really paid much attention to before. Inside it was a real 'bits and bobs'-type affair, with the sort of items you don't really come see much elsewhere in other larger chain-stores. One of these was - wait for it - 'Bath Tea Bags'. Yeah, you heard that right - tea bags for your bath? It's a thing...

Long story short, a couple of years ago my older Sister got me into her obsession of fruity and herbal teas (if you fancy the longer version of this tea-related tale - click here). I remember for my birthday that year she actually bundled up a box of some sachets of a few different flavours for me to try, and it's safe to safe my own addiction has pretty much spiralled from there. Anyway, it's become a kind of an 'inside' joke, and so when I saw these tea bags catered towards you bath time, I couldn't help but immediately think of my big Sis. It's actually her birthday coming up pretty soon, so I've been thinking a bit about what I want to get her just recently and settled on a girly, 'Pampering' theme not that long ago. Those two factors combined made it almost inevitable that a few of the different 'flavours' would find their way home with me. I decided on three in total, thinking that I could ideally pair them up with a couple other little bits and pieces to make a (hopefully) really lovely gift for her.
The selection they had was kinda incredible and it was easy to become spoilt for choice but in the end I plumped for the 'Mango Tea', 'Strawberry Cream Tea' and - my personal favourite that I may just have to pick up for myself when we next return - 'Raspberry Cream Tea'. All very fruity and ones both me and Mum agreed on being 'people-pleasers' in the way that they're very easy-going scents which everyone should/would like, so fingers crossed my Sister will too!
So, perhaps when you prepare for a more fancy bath time and covet a change from your standard bombs, bars and melts - maybe pamper condiments of the 'bag' variety are the way forward...

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