
Monday 17 August 2015

Beauty Reminders To Myself #8 #AllMonthAugust

Yes, yes - it's Beauty Reminders time yet again. I'm sure we all know the rules and what not by now (if not, please feel free to hop on over to this playlist), so let's just get straight onto it, eh?

I never used to be much of a lower-lash mascara gal. Things always got messy or it simply used to find a way of making me look a tad strange (surprisingly, not the look I tend to go for - or at least try and avoid). However, in recent months - having watched far too many YouTube videos in which it's been applied - I'd slowly but surely been getting back into it all again. That is until recently. 

It started becoming a step I preferred to skip once more, but after applying it on the off-chance a couple of days ago - once again I remembered how much I missed it and the effect it gave. So for today's 'Beauty Reminder' I'm pledging to attempt to get back into the swing of it all again and make the whole bottom-lash mascara process a far more staple feature in my everyday makeup routine. For once, and for all...

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