
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Mascara Pondering... #AllMonthAugust

Recently my well-loved tube of the Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara has started to show all the tell-tale signs of it being near the end of its life. I know, I know - sad times. I've also got a tube of the Maybelline The Falsies (a.k.a. my holy grail) that I've began to crack out as Too Faced's offering started to increasingly dry out - but that too I fear won't last too much longer before it's time for it to see the Empties bin (been there, done that). So, with that in mind and with mascara famously difficult to source out in the beauty world in regards to suitability - I have a little question for y'all...

What mascara would you classify as your HG? Your personal favourite, the one you'd recommend over any of the other ones out there?
Please leave your response in the comments below, or if you fancy it - Tweet Me @daintyditsy! I really would love to hear what your thoughts are. I need enabling, yanno...


  1. I actually don't have a favorite mascara because I rarely use one! The Maybelline Mascara sounds pretty good to me since I'm a Maybelline user myself!

    xx, J

    1. You really can't beat a bit of Maybelline, can you! Xx
