
Wednesday 19 August 2015

Another (Aptly-Named) Addition To My Fragrance Wardrobe #AllMonthAugust

I've already discussed the topic of fragrance two times so far in #AllMonthAugust, so why not make today a third? It seems Summer just makes me crave the stuff, so let's just embrace this moment, eh? Last week I talked a body spray I've been loving as of late, but the other day I finally got round to purchasing a replacement perfume for my soon-to-bite-the-dust 'Dolce' (which I talked about here) - and here it is...

Introducing, Marc Jacobs 'Daisy'. Yes, yes - I know - it's hardly a new addition to the market, but it certainly is to me personally. I remember a good few years back one of my friends going on and on about this stuff, often whilst spraying it on herself liberally. Many others too over the years have flocked to it, raving on about how good it is - and now is the time for me to at last give it a go. Will it compare to my beloved 'Dolce'? Of course, having not given it a proper go yet - I'm yet to find out - but having spritzed a sample of it pretty much everywhere in my local Mothership (a.k.a. Boots) (you gotta try before you buy, yanno) - I've got a sneaky feeling it may just come pretty darn close.

After giving it a little sniff in-store, I find it to compare pretty well with 'Dolce', in that - to me anyway - it smells very sophisticated and understated with similar musky tones, though of course with more of an overly floral element to it. I'm pretty certain this is bound to become one of my top picks in my fragrance wardrobe over the next few months (or however long this bottle lasts - which is sure to not be that long at all...)

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