
Thursday 20 August 2015

Blogger/YouTuber Loves Of Late... #AllMonthAugust

When you're an actual member of the online social media community itself as opposed to simply just being an avid reader and/or watcher alone - it's all too easy to get caught up in your own online content and forget just how good others are at doing their thang too. Sometimes there's really nothing better than having a good 'ole scroll through my Bloglovin' feed or YouTube subscription box and spending far too long with my eyes stuck to the screen, and in recent months I've been realising how there seems to be certain peeps who I always come back to in those kinda situs' - whether in text or video format - so for today's post I thought it was about time I got sharing the love...
Starting with two of the girls who I've been following for the longest - Anna from ViviannaDoesMakeup (Blog and YouTube Channel) and Lily from LilyPebbles (Blog and YouTube Channel). I think I first came across these two beauts just over a year ago now - which, compared to how long they've actually been doing it, and how long others have been reading/watching - doesn't seem that long, but hey - forgive me. Hopefully, the amount of time I've spent reading their blog posts or watching their videos since that fateful day has more than made up for that. I love these two alone - for both their knowledge in the beauty arena, and general friendliness and relatability that makes you feel just like you've known them for the whole of your life - but I also love, love, LOVE them together, in their #BeautyChat videos (which have to be up there with one of my favourite kinds to watch - informative, interesting and hilarious!). I could just go on and on about my love for these two ladies, but to save verging on the 'gush' side of things - I'll leave it at that for now.

Another YouTuber/Blogger  from the group you've-probably-already-heard-of-them-but-I'm-gonna-tell-you-about-them-anyway is Alix from I Covet Thee (Blog and YouTube Channel). Alix comes from a similar 'group' of bloggers/vloggers in which both Anna and Lily fall under - and I guess that's why I fell in love with both her and her online outlets in the first place. I think she first fon herself in my subscription box after coming up in my 'Recommended For You' category and I'm super glad she did. Again - running theme, eh - she comes across as being a super-friendly, approachable and just generally lovely gal who you could easily feel yourself classifying as someone you actually know, despite having never met them. Her videos, blog posts and general online activities are always so picturesque and Instagram-worthy and her makeup tutorials have to be some of my favourites out there. Her recommendations I always value and feel I can trust, and I love how despite being of quite a large following and thus earning herself the budget for a wide variety of high-end beauty, she still loves her drugstore pieces just as much. Also - perhaps strange, but bare with me - her voice is just so calming and relaxing. I'd noticed for a while that every time I came away from one of her videos I felt so relaxed and 'zen' and finally realised that Alix herself must be something to do with it!

Moving onto more on the 'Smaller' end of the YouTube personality scale is Amy from Amy Farquhar (Blog and YouTube Channel). Amy has to be my most recent find of late - I think I found her channel when YouTube searching videos on the Pixiwoo Makeup Course (another search based on the area in which I live!) and then Amy's appeared! I've followed her religiously from then onwards and have really been enjoying her #VEDA vlogs - there's just something I really like about watching how people go about their day-to-day-lives, whether or not they deem it particularly 'interesting' or not. What I really love about Amy is how down-to-earth and 'real' she is and especially nowadays on YouTube - it's so refreshing to see. She too is super-friendly and her makeup tutorials have to be some of my personal favourite 'non-vlog' videos of hers - fun, yet informative! Her personality really comes across in her videos (both vlogs and standard ones) and I'm also in love with her blog - especially after the recent redesign she's just had!
Last, but certainly by no means least - we have another more recent find, but one I again have been super-enjoying as of late. In fact, she may even be my favourite favourite of the lot. Introducing, Meg from Meg Says (Blog and YouTube Channel). I cannot for the life of me remember exactly how or when or why I found Meg - I think it perhaps had something to do with a random YouTube search I made for the place I live (I know, fun times) and somehow a video of hers popped up and I then realised we actually come from the same area! Anyway - after a good few hours later of marathon-type watching her videos - I decided she was fo' sho' a good'un and I guess the rest is history. For someone who I later learned battles a chronic illness daily, she remains incredibly positive and upbeat - something I really admire her for, and is generally all kinds of lovely. Because of this - her videos have the same feel to them (again, like Anna and Lily - like you're nattering away to an old friend) and they always make me super relaxed and chilled out and instantly put me in a good mood. Out of all of these lovelies, I'd recommend Meg the most for that reason - if you're in need of a cheer-up, she's your gal. (P.S She's also pretty funny too - who can forget the #GrannyPants story?)

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