
Wednesday 26 August 2015

theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer - MegSays (Plus Others) Made Me Do It... #AllMonthAugust

Now, this recent purchase I have several people to thank for. I've had the theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer on my Lust-List for some time now (hence its inclusion in this previous 'Loves and Lusts' post), but it's only in the last week that I've finally got round to getting my hands on it. I'd forever heard good things in regards to this little beauty (Alix from ICovetThee, along with many other peeps - I'm lookin' at ya), but I guess it was a recent tutorial of Meg from Meg Says' in which she swiped this on top of her cheekbones that sealed its fate as an 'I Need To Buy This ASAP' item. And with it finally in my makeup collection and having excitedly given it a go over the last couple of days - I can at last see what all the fuss is about...

Like I said, pretty much the day after my FeelUnique order arrived (I think a discount code from them also helped contribute to this finally being the time) - I was an eager beaver to give it a whirl and see what I thought and if it (hopefully) lived up to all the mass-rave expectations. And errr ma gerrrd was I not disappointed. I remember Meg herself describing this as being like 'pixie dust' in the way in which it's kinda magical how it makes everything and anything it comes into contact with look just all kinds of incredible and I have to say - I couldn't agree more. This stuff is so highly pigmented it's almost ridiculous - easily the most colour payoff out of any of the highlighters I own. You only need the tiniest amount, but oh man does this stuff go a long way. I perhaps went a little too heavy-handed on my first application as - despite everyone warning me to beware of the high pigmentation - I'm not one to always believe the hype so went in like I would with my standard highlight, which was in hindsight, perhaps a bit of a mistake on my part. I still loved the finish though, and given my error, ended up with a proper full-on glow which I certainly wasn't complaining about.

The highlighter itself is different to the ones I typically go for in that it has a slight golden hue to it that just makes it look even more beautiful on the skin - if that's even possible, of course. It adds that warmth and 'Golden Goddess'-like glow (too far?) to the skin, compared to more icy-toned ones which can lead you to look a tad washed out and are generally pretty stark in comparison to my natural skin tone. The shimmer is also so finely milled, so much so that when applied, the glow looks akin to natural light bouncing off the face and not like you've just had a fight with a tube of glitter (a.k.a. what some highlights can lend themselves to). It's amazing how a product so full of pigment and colour can still be applied quite heftily and maintain its 'My Skin But Better'-like properties. That's surely a sign of a keeper in your collection, right?

I guess the only thing left to say is - to Meg, Alix and anyone and everyone else who eventually enabled me enough to have this darn amazing highlighter in my life - I cannot thank ya enough. Like seriously. #DatGlowTho.

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