
Friday, 26 August 2016

An Ode To The Primark Beauty Lip Liners...

With the whole 'Testing Makeup' trend going mad right now, everyone's been going crazy for trying all varieties of cheaper and more affordable makeup brands in an attempt to see just how good they really are and inevitably, I have been jumping on the bandwagon too. So far, my main focus has been on the Primark Beauty range (as you might remember seeing here and here) - what with it recently having a complete overhaul and relaunching - and up to now, I've had mixed success. From hearing others opinions, there's a handful of products which I have completely avoided and of the one I have tested - some I really like; others perhaps not so much. However, overall, I'd say it's a pretty good shout if you're in the market for more affordable makeup that won't break the bank. And if there's one item which has won over my heart the most out of everything I've tried - it's the lip liners. Wanna know why? Carry on reading...

Firstly, these lips liners have to be the most inexpensive ones I've come across as they come in at just £1 each - ONE POUND! Crazy stuff. They're housed in the traditional lip liner packaging with your standard pencil format that requires sharpening as opposed to the more snazzy twist-up version which seems to be making the rounds now. Personally, I like that as sometimes the pencils you wind up are much more prone to breaking off and melting in your handbag - never a good thing - so I actually like how Primark have kept it simple with their offering. I also love how both the colour of the lid and the end of the pencil corresponds to the actual colour of the liner itself - making it easy to find in-store and also in your collection at home. Moving onto the actual product itself - the formulation of these is really, really nice. For such a bargainous pencil, they're super-creamy and glide onto the lips with no hassle at all. That being said, they've still got enough of a firm consistency so that they do actually do the job of staying where they're told and keeping your lipstick in place too. They're well pigmented (even in the darker shades) and as I found the other day - now come in a rather wide variety of colours.

I initially owned just two shades, but the other day went back and purchased basically every hue I could spot as I love them that much (anyone else do that?) - taking my current collection up to ten. Ten pounds for ten lip liners - ain't half bad yanno. When I first tried them out, I plumped for two very neutral shades - with that being the perhaps more 'safe' option and also simply what I am wearing the most often right now - and picked up 'Nude' and 'Dark Pink' - and they're pretty much what they say on the tin. With it being a very affordable item, the names aren't that adventurous - but I can more than forgive that when the product itself is awesome. Surprisingly, when I went back a few days ago, while I found some shades to still have very self-explanatory titles, others did have names that were a tad more on the original side so maybe that's something Primark are working on - who knows. I now have pretty much every shade you could ever need (alongside the two I already own). For the pink side of things I picked up three shades ('Candy Pink' - a super light, bright pink; 'Light Pink' - which personally looks more of a peachy shade to me and 'Bombshell' - a bright, blue-based Barbie pink). I also added some reds to my collection ('Red' - a true, erm, red; 'Vamp' - a deep burgundy-toned red and 'Wine' - a dark purple) and finally, a true brown, called 'Toffee'. I've swatched my whole collection above and I have to say I am in love with them all and I especially cannot wait to crack out the deep shades later on in the year. Is it Autumn yet?