
Monday, 29 August 2016

Empties #14

It's that time again when I have a good 'ole rifle through my beauty bin, see just what I've used up and share it all with you lovely lot. You know what I'm talking about - Empties. If you're new round here and haven't seen one of these round-up's before, I'll link all the ones I've done before here but I'm sure all you regular peeps know the deal by now. Let's just jump right on in, shall we?

Benefit 'That Gal' and 'POREfessional' Primers - Kicking off this edition with makeup and of course, the very first step in the routine - primer. Surprisingly, I have a few of these to share with you lovely lot today, but what can I say? I really love using different primers and testing new ones out, so I guess when we take that into account, it's perhaps not such a massive shock. These two from Benefit are in fact mini versions that I received as part of a giftset a while ago and I'd used them up some time ago but only thought to include them in a post of this style now. Silly me. While they're rather different from each other, I actually really enjoyed them both. 'That Gal' is a great one for its radiance-boosting properties, whilst 'POREfessional' is awesome at smoothing out lines and pores (as the name suggests) and mattifying and being someone who likes all of those things - just in the right areas - these two are winners.

Collection Primed and Ready Reviving and Anti-Fatigue Illuminating Primer in 'Cool Rose' and 'Warm Apricot' - More from the primer department and this time - on the super affordable side of things. These two are a relatively new addition to the Collection brand and personally, I am a big fan. I picked up both shades initially for review purposes and actually really like both on my skintone. There's not much between the two and they both leave my complexion with a gorgeous, dewy look and really help to prepare my skin for makeup. Considering they come in at such a bargainous price too, you can't really complain.

L'Oréal Brow Artist Plumper in 'Medium/Dark' - Brows-wise, my favourite gel has now come to its end. Ever since discovering this sometime towards the end of last year, it's the only thing I've used to set my brows into place and I think I can safely say that I've finally found a brow gel I can fully get behind. Before then, I was a little flimsy as to actually using a brow gel regularly but now I cannot seem to go a day of filling them in without using this stuff as the finishing step. It holds them wherever I tell them to all day long; the tint adds some more colour and the fibres within the formula add some extra volume to my naturally very sparse brows. I find it to overall take away from that 'filled in' look and instead help to make the hairs I do have more prominent and so make my brows look less 'flat'. Lovely.

L'Oréal Telescopic Mascara - Another inclusion from L'Oréal and a similar type set-up too - though this time, a mascara. I'd heard so many people raving about this for the longest of times and it was one of those times where in the end - you cave - and you know what? I am so glad I did as this has fast become one of my favourite lash offerings I've sampled. You wouldn't think it'd do anything much at all when you look at the barely-there wand but trust me, this stuff works wonders on my lashes. It's a great one for if you're all about adding serious length (I think this makes my lashes look the longest they've ever looked) and packs a pretty good punch in the volume department too. It thickens my lashes without clumping them together and leaves a nice fluttery effect.

OGX Renewing Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner - For the 'ole hair, I have completely used this shampoo and conditioner duo up to their very last drop. I'm sure the majority of you guys would've already heard me ramble on about how much I love the OGX range in the past (in fact I was only mentioning it the other day here) and this collection is amongst my favourites. Having dry, damaged hair - this is ultra-moisturising on my locks and makes them look and feel so much healthier. And you know what? The scent ain't half bad either...

Soap and Glory 'Foam Call' Bath and Shower Wash - Last but certainly by no means least - I guess it wouldn't be an Empties post without a mention from Soap and Glory, eh? Having quite an extensive collection of their range - both due to gifts and just my general love for the brand - at the moment, it has become my mission to work my way through my stash and use everything up, with this being one of the first I've fully finished. I have to admit the scent of this isn't my favourite of all the fragrances S&G have on offer (I'm much more of a 'Sugar Crush' gal if I'm honest), but it's not too bad and the actual formulation of their body washes more than makes up for it. They cleanse your skin really well, but still feel moisturising and don't leave my skin feeling stripped in any way so that definitely gets the thumbs up from me.