
Friday 12 May 2017

20 Things I've Learnt In 20 Years...

As you'll probably know if you've read round these parts lately, last week I turned the grand ol' age of 20. I don't quite know how that happened - but anyway. I've already gave you lovely lot a little rundown of the makeup I wore and also the way I lacquered up my nails here, but today I thought I'd drop in with a slightly more 'meaningful' post (not to say that beauty bumf isn't at all meaningful though), listing a few of the things I've learnt (or may well still be learning right now) in my two decades of life 'ere on Earth...

  1. Sometimes, people will let you down - even the ones you'd typically expect it from the least.
  2. You can't let one thing that has happened in your life define you as a person.
  3. Not everyone will like you - and you won't necessarily like everyone either! And you know what? That's completely ok.
  4. Above all, you have to put yourself first and do what makes you happy!
  5. ...You also gotta stop caring so much about what people think too, cause a lot of the time, they really don't care as much as you'd think they do.
  6. The 'issues' you deemed important in school (mainly, high school) will eventually be so far away from being important to you. And the horrible people you felt ruled your life and you'd never manage to get away from? Guess what? You do.
  7. Aside from them though, there will be some people you meet throughout school that become your life-long friends and you basically can never imagine your life without them in it. Cringy, but true.
  8. Change isn't always such a bad thing.
  9. Sometimes, as hard as it is, you have to be patient.
  10. After spending so many years saying how much you hate tea, you'll find you actually rather like it (and become pretty obsessed, tbh), as long as it's anything but the normal variety. Who would've thought it, eh?
  11. Stop wasting time overthinking things that you can't necessarily do anything about right at this moment in time.
  12. Eventually, you will actually manage to wear those super-high heels that you felt you'd never be able to walk two steps in without falling over.
  13. Say 'Yes' to as many things as possible, but also know when to say 'No' too.
  14. As super-lovely as it is to spend time with friends, family and loved ones in general, it's equally as great to spend some time alone sometimes too.
  15. Step out of your comfort zone sometimes and try new things - whether it be with fashion, beauty, or just life in general. You'll be surprised.
  16. You will reach 20 years old and still like occasionally listening to the old classics by Girls Aloud that were basically the soundtrack to your childhood. Ah, nostalgia...
  17. ...And talking of nostalgia - keep a diary! It's a great thing to look back on in the future.
  18. All of those things about yourself that you hate or bother you will either sort themselves out in the end or you will simply learn how to deal with them (kinda).
  19. Just be yourself, rather than pretending to be someone else.
  20. Sometimes, you just gotta #TreatYo'Self and be completely unapologetic in doing so.


  1. I absolutely love this post. I've learnt quite a few of the same things as you, and am still learning at 22 x
