
Tuesday 9 May 2017

Loose Setting Powders - The Good To The Not-So-Good...

Up until recently, in terms of mattifying and just generally setting my face I was an exclusively pressed powder-kinda gal. It's quick, easy and does the job and so I never really ever thought about trying one of the loose variety. However, with the 'baking' makeup trend being such a huge thing right now - where you basically put shit-tonnes of loose powder on your face, leave it for a little while before dusting off the excess - I was finally pushed into giving loose powder a go and you know what? I'm actually (for the most part) rather impressed. I still use pressed powder on the regular for setting the majority of my face, but for 'baking' - namely my under-eyes - I can fully get behind the power of a loose powder. used in this way, it just gives such a flawless, almost airbrushed finish and while it may not be suitable or necessary for everyday, for the times when I'm really going in with my makeup or simply want it to really last and last and last - it's perfect. I've tried a fair few since then and have my favourites (and not-so-favourites) so what better than to give them a little run-down for you lovely lot, eh? Let's get started...

RIMMEL MATCH PERFECTION LOOSE POWDER IN 'TRANSLUCENT' - This is the newest addition to my stash loose powder-wise, having picked it up after hearing pretty rave reviews from the online beauty community lately and oh my, I am so glad I did. The colour isn't completely white in the tub, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing (more on that later) as it's still pretty light in colour and still isn't at all detectable on the skin once applied. If anything, I find it to have an ever-so-slight pinky undertone to it which I personally find to make this a really brightening product - especially when used for baking the under-eye area. It's super finely-milled and lightweight - even when applied in pretty hefty amounts - and most importantly - I do not find it to 'flashback' on my skin at all when using flash photography. And we all know that's never a good look...

COLLECTION SHEER LOOSE POWDER IN 'TRANSLUCENT' - The second, middle-of-the-road option which was actually the first powder I ever bought when I first wanted to try out the whole 'baking' trend and is the cheapest of the bunch right here today is this one from Collection. When I decided to try out baking or 'cooking' my face (sounds kinda scary, right?) this one stood out to me as I really only wanted to get the cheapest option first off just incase I didn't get on with either the product itself, or simply the whole 'baking' concept in general but luckily - that wasn't the case. At first I was a big fan of this stuff - it did the job at 'baking' my face - really locking things into place and taking away any shine, leaving behind a nice, 'flawless' finish - but I have to admit that having since tried the above one from Rimmel, it has now kinda been relegated in this arena. While translucent, there is still a decent amount of colour to this stuff and while I didn't notice it at first when this was still the only translucent, loose setting powder I'd sampled, it does leave the tiniest amount of colour behind. It's not massive, but compared to the Match Perfection which I find to leave nothing, if only brightness in its tracks, on closer inspection this offering from Collection is not completely colour-free and does shift the areas you apply it to slightly. Basically, this one used to be my go-to until I went to see if the grass was any greener and in this case, I'd definitely say it was...

NYX HD STUDIO FINISHING POWDER IN 'TRANSLUCENT' - ...But finally, the one which I'd probably say was the least case of the 'grass being greener' is this one from NYX. I picked this one up a little while ago now when I decided to try and upgrade from the above loose powder from Collection and I have to say that I'm sorry, but I'm not a fan. I had heard mixed reviews beforehand, with some people saying it was awesome. while others claimed it was a bit pants and unfortunately - I fall into the latter category. There were a fair few warnings from people saying that while this stuff works, it flashes back like nothing else and I can definitely agree. Annoyingly, it is actually such a good powder aside from that issue, but the fact that is makes you resemble Caspar The Friendly Ghost as soon as you come anywhere near flash photography just means I cannot use this. I like to feel self-assured in the products I use and be able to put my makeup and feel confident it in and not have to worry about it so for me, a powder which would only work for certain circumstances isn't really the one. A shame, but sometimes these things happen, yanno?

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