
Tuesday 31 March 2015


I know what you're all thinking... 'But April, don't you normally only post three times a week Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?' And you would be correct in thinking just that, but today I'm going slightly against the schedule temporarily to make an announcement...

As you may've already guessed by the title of this post, as of tomorrow I'm gonna be blogging everyday throughout April - a series I'm affectionately dubbing '#AllMonthApril' (you know what I'm like with my love for alliteration). Being my namesake and the penultimate month before my birthday (yes, I'm not actually born in April), I suddenly thought one day recently 'why not?' and so starting tomorrow right up to the 30th you can expect a new post on Dainty Ditsy every single day.
I hope you're looking forward to this little series as much as I am and I'll see you bright and early at 9am tomorrow morning for the beginning of #AllMonthApril...

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