
Thursday 9 April 2015

LUSH's Regular Bath Range - My Thoughts So Far #AllMonthApril

With it being a exactly five months since I did my first ever LUSH-related post I thought I'd drop in today with some of my thoughts on what I've tried from their regular bath range so far - an update, if you will. Of course I haven't had the chance to sample a huge amount as my discovery of LUSH came around the time that the festive collection dropped and so I was predominantly interested the So White's and Cinder's to name but a few (as I mentioned here), however once that'd been and gone I focused  my attentions wholly towards the regular line and I am so ok with that. So let's get started...

Bath Bombs:
Butterball - This one you could be forgiven for completely bypassing when shopping in-store for it being on the surface a seemingly 'boring' product. There's no fancy-smancy colours or glitter and the smell is relatively plain too - a simple, sweet vanilla scent as the name would suggest. Once plonked in the bath it didn't do anything especially fancy apart from leave some cocoa butter blobs floating on the surface (nice) and a comforting aroma, but this one I loved for its moisturising properties. If you're more into the nourishing side of LUSH products, this may be the one for you. I personally doubt I'd repurchase this unless intending to team it with something more exciting to get the best of both worlds.

Think Pink - This bomb combines two of my favourite things - pink and florals - together so naturally I was expecting good things. The scent is similar to the Butterball in that it's very much based in vanilla scents, though this time it has a slight citrusy top note to counteract things a little. I really love the floral-shaped confetti that emits from this once plonked in your bath and find it quite relaxing watching it peacefully float on top of the bright pink water. All in all, a good'un that I'd definitely repurchase if in need of a pick-me-up.

Sakura - This one I was again expecting good things of as it once more featured a floral theme. I love the design of this one - eye-catching but not overly 'in yer face'. This bomb is designed to imitate Spring with its floral fragrance, which whilst I really loved when picking it up in-store, once I actually put it in the water it became almost entirely undetectable. A shame, as I think if the fragrance in the bath was as strong as when simply smelling the bomb itself I'd really be big fan of this.

Sex Bomb - Finally, a classic LUSH product. This I'm sure needs no introduction as I'm sure many of you would've already beaten me to it on this one, but I'm gonna give my two cents anyway. This one is supposed to combat any fatigue and stress you may have with some - as LUSH like to put it - sensual healing to put you 'in the mood'. Now I didn't notice any particular difference in myself in that way after emerging from a bath with this bomb in so I won't comment on that especially, but in general I remember just rally really relaxed and calm. Again, it turned my bath water pink - always a good sign - and had a nice, not too overpowering floral fragrance. Me likes.

Bubble Bars:

The Comforter - Again, another classic and one that receives many a hype around the beauty community. This is one of their 'supersize' bubble bars that is supposed to stretch to around eight baths as opposed to the standard max of about two or three. I definitely got my moneys worth with this one - it lasted me forever - and I loved, loved, loved the scent. Put simply - it reminds me of Ribena with its fruity smell that literally makes you feel like you're bathing in blackcurrant juice. The water turns a lovely deep pinky-purple just to add to the effect and this stuff makes mounds of bubbles with even the tiniest of uses. Will certainly be buying this again soon.

Creamy Candy - This one is apparently a favourite of Tanya Burr so I kinda had to give it a go and I'm very glad I did. This has a (as you would guess) sweet, candyfloss-like smell that's actually rather comforting. The scent's sweet without being too overpowering or sickly and the bar is uber-moisturising as it's full of chunks of almond and cocoa butter that melt into your bath, leaving it silky smooth. I love this one when I'm really craving a sweet treat and the hydrating properties this has really make me feel pampered when I emerge afterwards. Tanya - you are so right about this one.

Pop In The Bath - Another floral-themed product (you'd never guess I was a fan or anything) and another one of the smaller, two-use kind of bubble bars. This has (again, as you would expect from the design), a lovely floral scent but like 'Think Pink' it's again combined with a slight citrusy undertone to balance things out a little. This really uplifts me whenever I've used it and whilst being understandably not as hydrating as 'Creamy Candy', still leaves my water and myself nice and silky smooth.

And that just about concludes my thoughts so far on LUSH's regular range! You'll notice I haven't included any of their bath melts as I'm yet to sample any of the usual suspects - you know the ones - but rest assured, when that time comes I'll keep you informed as to how I get on. See you again for part two? It's on...

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