
Sunday 19 April 2015

Proclaiming My Love For Fruit Tea (+ A Few Of My Faves) #AllMonthApril

I was never a traditional tea drinker - and still to this day I can't stomach the smell of the stuff, yet alone the taste. I accepted that this was probably how it was always gonna be, yet sometime last year my Sister managed to coax me into trying one of her peppermint teas from her extensive tea collection (she loves the stuff). Apprehensive, I gave it a go anyway and surprisingly enjoyed it. Fast forward a few days (yes, days) and a box of peppermint tea was in my possession. And I guess the rest is history - from there I discovered tea after tea after tea (still steering away from the usual English Breakfast ofc), instead sticking entirely to fruit and herbal variations. More recently I've got myself into the whole green tea thang and am slowly but surely building myself my own (not so) little tea cupboard in our kitchen - #Obsessed.

So, now we've established just how much I love the stuff - why don't I show you some of my current favourites? Maybe it just might manage to convert one of you lot the same way I was and before you know it you'll be harbouring a secret tea stash too? Ok, maybe not that far.

Twinings Cherry and Cinnamon - One of the first I ever bought myself, this is just delish. The sweetness of the cherry combined with the spicy cinnamon make for a really comforting, warming drink perfect for the cooler months. As we're now heading towards Summer (hopefully), I'll probably be steering away from this one slightly, but I know it's one I'd always come back to when the Winter returns - let's not even think about that yet, eh?
Twinings Livening Ginger and Lime - A more recent discovery, this intrigued me with its change to a traditional tea combination, instead offering lime as its citrusy counterpart. While I'm always partial to a cup of the classic lemon and ginger, this made a nice change and *whispers* I think I might even prefer this to the original. For me, the two just seemed to marry together even more so and the whole thing reminds me of Key Lime Pie. Mmmmhmm. Also a really good one for days when you're not feeling your best - this'll have you up and ready to go in no time.
PG Tips Aromatic Spices and Mint - As I mentioned at the start of this post, peppermint tea was my 'entry-level' tea, if you will, and as beginner I was perfectly ok with that. However, this tea is something else. It literally does what it says on the tin - imagine a cup of peppermint tea but with a few subtle spices thrown in for good measure and you get this. It's like the usual but warmer and *puts on technical hat* more depth to it *takes said technical hat off*.
Twinings Intensely Buttermint - Again, another adaptation on the original peppermint - this time with a slightly creamier, more vanilla-ery (is that even a word?) taste. I first heard about this from Fleur mentioning it a while back and immediately made a mental note to myself to give it a try. In short - I was so right to listen up. Like the above, this just makes your usual peppermint tea even more yummy and this flavour, like many others have said, tastes just like Murray Mints - what more could you want?
Twinings Cherry Bakewell Indulgence Green Tea - Finally, a tea with a difference. This, as you'd notice by the title, is a flavoured green tea. I'll hold my hands up now and admit I've never actually tried the pure, unflavoured stuff before and if I'm honest - while it is supposedly a real health-conscious drink, from what I've heard the taste is not exactly much to write home about. However, when perusing the aisles of Tesco I came across this range of flavoured green tea featuring 'dessert-style' tastes. Out of the few I've tried this new addition has to be my favourite. As you'd guess, this has a strong taste of cherry, and also almond - together combing to give you that classic 'Bakewell' taste. For me, the almond is most prominent here so I get a real taste of marzipan whenever I drink this, and for something to taste like that and supposedly be doing good for my insides at the same time is a sure good deal.

And there's just a few (I'm being serious - I've got a whole cupboard that could've featured in this post) of my top fruit, herbal and even green teas! Maybe this leaves room for part two? Not funny? Ok, I'll stop now...

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