
Monday 20 April 2015

Finally Giving My Nails Some Proper TLC #AllMonthApril

I've admitted many times round these parts to not giving my nails some proper love, with this post entirely focused on me proclaiming to change my ways. A few posts later I still hadn't learnt my lesson, but with the addition of this lacquer to my stash, perhaps it finally will...

I spoke in my last 'New In At The Drugstore' post last week about this polish - a newbie release from Collection, hence its inclusion - called the 2-in-1 Stronger and Longer Nail Treatment. I picked this up, firstly because it was new (anyone else purely state that when asked why they bought a beauty product? #bbloggerproblems) but also as a proper last-ditch attempt to make my Beauty Reminder at long last stick. I've seen many other brand's version of these kinds of polishes, many interesting me and coming not that far away from being popped in my basket. My nails have never been in that particularly bad condition to be honest, but it's more the actual ritual of knowing I was at least trying to take care of them that I really wanted to get into. And so when doing the rest of my NIATD post shopping the words 'darn it' (or at least some to that effect) came into my head and I finally plucked up the courage to give the whole 'treatment polish' thing a go.
And with last night being deemed the one when my nail polish just had to come off, give it a go I have. Rather than going with the usual drill - as soon as one colour's off, repaint with another - I decided to give my nails a break and opted for this. On first glance you'd be forgiven for mistaking it for a regular clear polish - it applies like any other top/base coat and one layer is all you need to leave you beds glossy and immediately more healthy-looking. Of course this is simply due to them looking far more shiner than naturally, but hopefully the formula itself - rich in Vitamin E and protein - will over time actually help to maintain and even improve the condition of my nails.
So will this polish finally be a case of 'third time lucky' in my quest for managing to maintain a basic level of nail TLC?

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