
Tuesday 21 April 2015

Why The Rimmel Lasting Finish Range Is Seriously Amazing... #AllMonthApril

If you're a regular reader round these parts of the interwebs you'll know of my love for Rimmel as a brand. Their lip products are fab, eye pencils equally so, and you've already heard me ramble on about their Salon Pro nail polishes hundred of times over. But it occurred to me the other day, after picking up a couple of newbies to their Lasting Finish base collection for this post, that in fact it may just be my favourite of their ranges...

At end of last year I discovered the new 'Nude' version of their existing Lasting Finish Foundation they'd just brought out and, given my Mum's love for the original formula, I thought I'd pick it up. As you'd already heard about if you read this post, I well and truly fell in love. Heck, I even cheated slightly on the 'rules' of yearly favourites to include it in last year's line-up. My rave continued into my January Loves and Lusts post and I eventually finished the bottle, before repurchasing another - a rarity for me and foundations - it is just that good. It manages to be very light on the skin while still unifying everything and the finish is just lovely. Very skin-like - not too glowy, not too matte - and it sticks around for as long as you want it to. I think we've now clearly established how much I love this one.

However, as you would have seen in this post - I've recently picked up a couple of new releases to the LF range - and I feel like a serious first-time rave is needed. These were the Lasting Finish Primer and the Lasting Finish High Coverage Concealer (I picked up the shade '10 Porcelain'). Oh my goodness. I heard good things about both of these on the blogging grapevine and so naturally was swayed to give them a go and I'm so glad I did. The primer is just dreamy. I've seen/heard many a good thing about Rimmel's priming products and this really does live up to the hype. They claim it to be a 'light' formula designed to 'minimise pores and even out skin tone' and I would have to completely agree with that. The texture of this is very interesting. Compared to other primers I've tried such as Benefit's POREfessional, which is very silicone-y feeling,  this just feels like you're applying a moisturiser. The primer comes out like a cream, applies like one too, and just sinks into the skin to leave a very comfortable base, with the only real sign of you applying anything being a very slight hint of tackiness. This I don't really mind - I like primers to have a bit of a tacky feeling so I can *hopefully* rest assured it's actually doing something. I find afterwards my skin does look a tad more 'perfected' than without - with any pores being less noticeable - and I do find my makeup to both apply and last that little bit better when I've used this so far. All in all - this gets the thumbs up from me.

Then we move onto the concealer - and the rave continues. This, as the name would suggest, is a pretty heavy duty concealer probably best implemented for those super pesky blemishes that normal concealer just will not cover. I really like the texture of this again. Housed in a pot it's obviously gonna be more thick in formula than something like your Lasting Perfection Concealers of the world, but it still isn't too dense in that it sits overly heavy on your skin and gives off an immense fear of 'cake face' with it. It also isn't too 'slippy' - something else I sometimes find with these sorts of cover ups - sitting just nicely between 'creamy enough to blend' and 'dry enough to stay around'. I find the way it's housed means it's perfect for finger application (or if you're really feeling fancy - a small, flat brush) and so I would say this is best for more pinpoint concealing rather than applying to larger areas of the face. For small blemishes and areas of redness - great - but for larger imperfections I'd say something more liquidy is your guy. For under the eyes it can also work if you really take your time with it and take care not to overapply - patience is key here.

Can I rave anymore about this range? I'm sure I'll find other ways of giving it a mention again soon...


  1. Great post! I have redness & under eye darkness so I'll have to try the concealer! Thanks for sharing :) xx

    1. Thankyou! Yes, I'd definitely recommend it for those types of blemishes - full coverage yet not at all dry or cakey! xx
