
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Wanna Workout? Have A Look At Some Of These... #AllMonthApril

It's the day after the long Easter Weekend came to an eventual close, when no doubt many an Easter egg or five was consumed, so what better time than to talk fitness? I mentioned back in this post how I've recently got more into the whole workout thang, so much so that you can commonly find me first thing in the morning getting my sweat on in my living room to something from POPSUGAR Fitness' YouTube archives. And that is just what I wanna talk about today - what fitness routine videos I usually follow - and maybe it could just come in handy for some of you; whether already a fitness fanatic who's looking for something new to incorporate into their routine or more a fitness phobe who cannot think of anything worse but could perhaps be persuaded otherwise.

Like I said at the start of this post, my personal top picks are usually from the POPSUGAR Fitness channel, which I discovered when doing a few searches on the good 'ole Tube of the You. I find them easy to follow, not too difficult as a beginner - although you can find more challenging ones if you fancy, and Anna makes a really good host to guide you through it all. Here's some of my favourites...
  • 5-Minute Fat-Blasting Bodyweight Workout - Don't be put off by the word 'bodyweight' in this as I was, with it conjuring up images of needing a whole gym's worth of equipment to be able to do this. The name rather implies a workout designed to build your muscle and burn serious calories, all within a short space of time. This was the workout I started off with due to it being only five minutes long and I wasn't sure I could withstand any longer. A few weeks later I moved onto something else...
  • Calorie Burning Cardio Workout - This was the workout vid I moved onto after completing a few weeks of the above and wanted to step it up a notch. This runs for ten minutes and as the name would suggest, involves mainly cardio moves and really does get everything moving. Like the above, it still manages to be fun and pretty fail-safe to do after a few attempts of perhaps not getting quite to the end.
  • Full Body HIIT Workout - Like the above, this lasts for a whole ten minutes, though as the HIIT name would suggest, probably packs more punch and sweat/red face-inducing power (lovely). The concept of these kinds of fitness videos are roughly 40 seconds per each workout step and 20 seconds of rest time in-between, but what you lose in time you fo'sho make up for, with the phrase 'quality over quantity' taking precedence here. Let's just say I definitely make use of those precious fifth of a minute breaks...

So, that's the main three I've been working through on rotation, what's next? I've been stuck on the ten minute mark for some time now, and would love to move up to perhaps a fifteen/twenty minute at some point in the near future. No doubt it'll come from the PS archives, as always; but what would your recommendations be if you're into this sort of thing already? Any other fitness channels I should be giving a cheeky subscribe to or videos I should be adding to my ever-growing playlist?


  1. Thank you for this. Will definitely be using sone of these. Easters destroyed me.

    Amanda ||

    1. Glad I could be of help! Good luck! xx
